Pregnancy and Addiction


Mom of Two
Jan 4, 2011
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Watched a "special" on pregnant women and drug addiction. And cried whole time then was really mad :cry:. I know everyone has their own demons and problems but I felt so sorry for these poor babies.

Having worked with addicts and addiction I know its no easy task getting off drugs but I just feel once you find out you are pregnant that should be you inspiration to stop. If you can remember to put a needle in your arm everyday you can take a bc pill. I think once these babies are born addicted they should immediatly taken from mothers and never given back.

Watching those poor babies scream, squirm and withdrawl broke my heart in two :cry:

sorry had to rant...
I don't look down on anyone and pity those with drug addictions, but I agree its absolutely heartbreaking that these babies are born with the addiction and the pain and confusion that causes them. Thank god they won't remember it. X
I saw the same special. These poor babies. They are born in pain and cant even comprehend why. I start to tear up just thinking about it.
Oh I agree seeing the babies was heartbreaking, I can't believe someone would put a child and themselves in such a situation.
I have taken care of these babies. I was a foster parent. I have taken care of a ton of drug addicted babies and it is indeed awful. On the other side of this not all moms are terrible human beings. It is out of their control. I had to take every one of those babies for weekly visits to see their moms and u can tell the moms that really really want help and who really feel an amount of guilt that they did this to their child. You also see moms who don't give a crap and their are the mothers who shouldn't have their babies returned. I had one little guy whose mom knew the drugs were bigger than her and instantly signed him over for adoption, that was a very sad day. I cried for her as well as the baby boy. I cried for her as she knew she did him wrong and she wanted better for him. She wanted what she didn't or couldn't give him. Thats very hard to do. They love their children, they just can't help themselves. I have also seen moms get clean and stay clean and the child is now older and is doing great. Some of these moms come from years of abuse, or a history of drug addictions in the home, nto all but some. I have seen it all, you wouldn't believe what I have seen. I have to go pick up the babies from the hospital, they don't keep themlong, 24hours, thats it. Its sad to see the withdrawls a baby has to go through but my amazing husband and I would sit up at night taking turns until they eventually had it leave their system.

Its hard. Its sad.
When DD was in SCBU when born there was one baby with withdrawal symptoms. The mother was not there but the grandmother was. And she was very upset with all the baby was going through. He was always screaming but he was fine in the end.
Sometimes the addictions are so severe that even pregnancy won't make them stop. I assume you mean drugs/alcohol? Much more severe addictions that smoking. It is so very sad but I feel empathy for the women too :(
Yes illegal drugs and alcohol. I was just so sad for the babies who are innocent in the situation. I felt so horrible when I first found out I was pregnant and was so ill with a virus, I took tylenol everyday. I drank a diet coke once and felt guilty and these people just keep doing hard drugs everyday. I wish if anyone knew a pregnant addict or is would immediatly go get help. Go through a detox, enter a rehab facility, SOMETHING! Thats such an unnecessary pain to put yourself and a baby through. Not only physical but would do major mental damage to both the child and the mother. Just wish there was a way to prevent it from happening but that would be in a perfect world. Maybe doctors should also be able to drug test a mother if he has any incline that she is using. Sad thing most of the women didnt get prenatal care either :(
I didn't see this program but my brother and his girlfriend are/were junkies. When their first child was born, it was 'just' pot smoking. My mum now has custody of that child.
When their second child was born, they were heroin addicts.... at 6 months old my brothers gf dumped the baby at the doorstep of social services...
My mum fought tooth and nail to be able to keep custody of her too, but eventually she was given up for adoption and we never get to see her.

By the time the third child was born, the mum had come off drugs, my brother sadly remains on them to this day. We rarely get to see this third little girl either, because the mum has severed all ties with my brother and consequently us.

I remember having such a fight with my brother because I'd gone round to visit to check on the first child (before my mum had custody) and I caught him shooting up with his little girl stood in the doorway.

I flipped out and in turn he beat the living daylights out of me. Addicts can NOT be reasoned with. Hate is a strong word but I hate my brother because he's so damn selfish and he's ruined the first 2 littles girls lives. The first is now a teenager and is showing every sign of growing up badly. She lies, is far too mature for her age etc...

And it isn't just the kids lives that got ruined. My mum is in no condition to be running around after a teenager, but she does it because she loves her grand-daughter. It's destroyed her to fight so hard for her son's children when he doesn't seem to care at all.

Honestly, although my nieces are beautiful and I love them dearly, a part of me wishes they'd never been born - indeed that they'd never been concieved so that they wouldn't have to suffer the lives they have.
I wish so much someone had put that implant into my brother's gf's arm to stop her getting pregnant.

Sorry for the ramble, this topic just gets to me =/
what was this programme called???? what channel i wanna see it
unfortunately women who are addicted to illegal strong drugs do end up pregnant. Some dont realise they r pregnant for a while, doctors cant just drugs test ladies the have an inkling about because thats pretty unethical, many addicts are pretty straightforward about it.

The only addiction i have experience with is alcohol and cannabis abuse, there are members of my family who were born to an alcoholic mother and theres the cannabis smokers kids took 10years to get the children in care away from the alcoholic. Poor kids, think they suffered more after they were born. Neglected frightened and lonely. They probably wont ever be adopted as the 1 boy is ADHD but showing signs of autism and the other lil lad is an emotional wreck he has OCD, it started aged 8 hes also a selective mute. I hope where ever they are now they r learning to cope with their problems and are getting plenty of love.
I think its just wrong that these ladies are allowed to get pregnant and have these babies! I do agree these women have no control over how they feel towards the drugs but at the same time the SHOULD NOT GET PREGNANT!! I am not obsessed with what I eat and drink I sometimes eat a part runny egg and drink 7up bla bla bla and sometimes feel bad!! Then there are these women/girls having these babies addicted to heroine and crack It just makes me feel so sad.. Poor babies,, I suppose there is nothing anyone can do to stop this so the world will carry on letting these poor babies be born and probably into troubled teenagers. X
I have taken care of these babies. I was a foster parent. I have taken care of a ton of drug addicted babies and it is indeed awful. On the other side of this not all moms are terrible human beings. It is out of their control. I had to take every one of those babies for weekly visits to see their moms and u can tell the moms that really really want help and who really feel an amount of guilt that they did this to their child. You also see moms who don't give a crap and their are the mothers who shouldn't have their babies returned. I had one little guy whose mom knew the drugs were bigger than her and instantly signed him over for adoption, that was a very sad day. I cried for her as well as the baby boy. I cried for her as she knew she did him wrong and she wanted better for him. She wanted what she didn't or couldn't give him. Thats very hard to do. They love their children, they just can't help themselves. I have also seen moms get clean and stay clean and the child is now older and is doing great. Some of these moms come from years of abuse, or a history of drug addictions in the home, nto all but some. I have seen it all, you wouldn't believe what I have seen. I have to go pick up the babies from the hospital, they don't keep themlong, 24hours, thats it. Its sad to see the withdrawls a baby has to go through but my amazing husband and I would sit up at night taking turns until they eventually had it leave their system.

Its hard. Its sad.

What an amazing person you are I don't think I could emotionally do this :thumbup:

it was worth every little tremor, sore bottom (from the drugs leaving their system) little cry, red body the lot. Felt good taking care of them. Some of them we had for a year at a time:) It was amazing:) Handing the children back to either go with their mom, a family member or adoption was hard but if mom was better that was amazing to see, if a family member came forward then this little one was going back to the family it was born to be with or going up for adoption, this little one had an entire life of adventure and tons of new love:) That made it all better.
I believe it was on A&E, they have a series called intervention and for some reason this was one of the episodes though it wasnt really like intervention. I dont get the channel here in Germany so I watched it at

Or you can try and look up in depth pregnant and addicted/intervention.

Its a video stream so Id use WOOTLY.
Last year I gave birth to my sleeping son.....the same morning I was there for my induction, a young pregnant women came into the Emergency Room in labor. She was addicted to drugs and received no pre-natal care during her pregnancy.......and then delivered a baby. I wanted and cared for my baby and don't have him now.....I don't know what happened to this woman's poor baby. I think about that baby quite often and wonder where he/she is now.....

Sorry for spouting off....just had to vent.
i dont know, it should be an inspiration to stop but i dont think its that simple. when i think how determined i was to eat healthily when i found out about baby but just couldnt put down the sausage rolls no matter how hard i tried, i can sort of understand how hard it must be to give up a REAL addiction, even when you have a little one now to think about. even if you want too
I definitely have a hard time understanding women who continue to do drugs/alcohol when they are pregnant. I struggled with alcohol abuse before I found out I was pregnant with my first child. Not to the extent that some people do, but I was drinking almost daily. The minute I found out I was pregnant I never touched another drop, and didn't even think twice about it. I was also a very heavy smoker (1.5 packs a day), and never touched another cigarette either. It was just never even an option for me... I mean, that's my BABY inside me.

I can't say much about harder drugs though, as I don't know what it's like to be addicted to them. But they say that cigarettes are just as addictive as heroin, right? So I don't know... I agree, it's sad :(
Last year I gave birth to my sleeping son.....the same morning I was there for my induction, a young pregnant women came into the Emergency Room in labor. She was addicted to drugs and received no pre-natal care during her pregnancy.......and then delivered a baby. I wanted and cared for my baby and don't have him now.....I don't know what happened to this woman's poor baby. I think about that baby quite often and wonder where he/she is now.....

Sorry for spouting off....just had to vent.

Im sorry :hugs: sometimes life makes no sense and just isnt fair.

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