I'm going to send a card to my brother from baby.
Hubby is going to tell his Dad with a recording of the heartbeat. (FIL is blind.)
I'm going to ask Gran if she'll make me a cardi (she knows I want one for me anyway, cause I asked her before Christmas) and give her a single ball of wool for baby's clothes (it's softer). She'll probably say "oh, howay! One ball isn't enough for anything other than baby clothes.....oh....." and click, hopefully.
My friend, I want to text her a picture message of the BFP and say "guess whose in the club?" (I'm due 4 weeks after she is.)
Nana and Grandad I'm not sure how to tell them.
A few people I'm exppecting to guess, including my cousin (who is like a brother) and my aunt (who I've called my sister for years, but for cards we still sent aunt/niece cards). They can both read me like a book....and my sis is going to ask why I'm not drinking at the party in 2 weeks - and she won't buy the medication excuse - she knows that me taking meds has no effect at all on whether or not I drink.
Bro in law knows, so do my parents, but no one else yet. Wanting to do as many novelty announcements that we can though - it's typical of DH and I to be a bit quirky.
Thing is though, I need to announce some bad news atthe same time, so really want to make an effort with the good news.