So im new to all this and im not sure if anyone will even read this...if not at least getting some of this off my chest which will be theraputic. So where to begin: I met my boyfriend about a year and a half ago and I thought i had met my prince charming. He was everything I wanted in a man and then some. But as time wore on I found that things werent what i had made them out to be. He started to verbally berate me on a daily basis..calling me names and picking fights w/me over the smallest things. I would just walk away from these fights accepting my blame and try to move on. On top of that I discovered that he was an alcoholic. And the alcohol only seemed to make our fights 10x's even turned physical before but of course he blames me and i always seem to crawl back to him. Im an me i know. Well fast forward 8 months into our relationship and the frequency and severity of the fights increased and to top it off I found out I was pregnant. I know it sounds sick and irresponsible but i was thrilled. I love children and had wanted another one for quite some time (I have a son from a previous marriage--and thank god he's been shielded from the majority of this mess), and my bf seemed excited as well. However, it wasn't meant to be and i miscarried about 6 wks into the pregnancy. I was devestated and to make matters worse my bf was completely removed from the situation. I remember one night crying curled up on the sofa begging him to hold me and he just ignored my and left the room. After that things just went down hill. I found that at least once a month i would have to leave our shared house to go to my mom's because the fighting was too much to bear and i didnt want my son to wake and be exposed to the madness. He always spews hateful things at me, mostly after binge drinking all night. He'll say things like I'm a terrible mom b/c i dont clean or cook (and no i dont cook...but i can put things toghether and in terms of cleaning im not a neat freak like him but i do pick upround the house) or that he doesnt know why he's with me and hates me (these are only a few of the things he says...there are much more and worse but i just dont feel it necessary to post them). So I was finally at the end of my rope and thinking about leaving when i found out i was pregnant again...which seem miraculous bc we are hardly intimate (im talking like maybe 2x a month max). He seemed excited as he does want a child of his own..and as i mentioned i have always wanted another child. And for a while there things seemed to improve in our relationship. He said he would try to stop drinking..which he was able to stop for 3 days (quite a feat for him). But I could tell that even though he was excited about the baby he wasnt happy that it was with me. He's not affectionate with me at all (and forget romance we have only been on like 4 dates in the year and a half ive been with him), and most days i feel that he hates me...I feel so alone and I have no support to speak of with him. Anyways, this past friday hhe slipped up and started drinking...heavily. We started to argue about it and finally he kicked me out of the house (that I pay 2/3 of the mortgage for mind you...but its in his name so i have no rights). Ive been at my moms since then...ive gotten no calls from him. So what do i do? I text him saying "I love you"...and "we need to talk in the future to figure things out" reply for several hrs. Finally he texts me back and states that he needs time to himself and that i was the one who left and he doesnt want to fight and blah blah blah. so once again im the one who is left hurting alone w/this unborn baby and my son...i just paid "rent" too and yet i have to leave and retreat once again to my mom's house. I just feel so alone and scared...most men in this situation would probably run after their pregnant gf to make sure she's ok and taken care of. But of course that would imply that they actually love their significant other and i think its pretty safe to assume that i am not loved at all. I'm sorry to babble on and on but i guess i just wanted a sympathetic ear...i dont have really anyone to talk to and im so scared and lonely. Im scared bc i just suffered a miscarriage and im scared the same thing will happen with this baby and im lonely bc even when he is around he isnt affectionate w/me and when i try to talk with him he either ignores me or blows up at me. even with all that ive said i still love him very much but i know this is a sick relationship and i dont want to damage my ive said most of our fights take place at night when hes fast asleep and when we leave he just thinks we're having a slumber party at grandmas, which is a special treat for him in his eyes. but still if anyone has any similar stories to empathize with or can offer kind words i'd so appreciate it right now... i could use a friend right now.