6 months ago, my first pregnancy ended with a silent misscarriage. im now pregnant again and only have one symptom (tender breast) The doctor told me that the midwife may refer me for an erly scan, however i do not have a midwive appointment until im 11 weeks pregnant!
Is there anyway i can get an erlier appointment? if not, will they rush to get me a 12 week scan or will ihave to wait weeks? soo anxious and do not know how to calm myself! also feel i should tell my work as some of my duties include heavy lifting and late, long hours but do not want to make it public until i know its a viable pregnancy. what could i do??
Is there anyway i can get an erlier appointment? if not, will they rush to get me a 12 week scan or will ihave to wait weeks? soo anxious and do not know how to calm myself! also feel i should tell my work as some of my duties include heavy lifting and late, long hours but do not want to make it public until i know its a viable pregnancy. what could i do??