My DH and I are NT,NP. My last period was 8 days late and then I had some red, watery bleeding for less than 24 hrs followed by 3 days of light brown spotting. (Sorry TMI). I have been nauseous for the last couple of weeks (all day), along with being VERY moody (just ask DH and DD), peeing a little more than usual, mild headaches and lower back aches....not to mention that I can get home from work, sleep a couple of hours then go right back to bed and sleep all night. My BBs are just now starting to swell a little but they aren't sore at all. Some days it seems like all my symptoms disappear and make me think I've lost my mind! I've gotten 5 BFN which is making me think that maybe this could be the beginning of menopause. I'm 44 but I'm really hoping that I am pregnant. What do you all think?