My OH & I have just recently decided to TTC. We're both really excited about this new journey, but express ourselves differently. This is our first month trying. I have wanted to have a baby for years now, but was never with the right person or the timing wasn't right to try. I've been so excited about being given the green light to try, that I feel like I'm going crazy & feel like disappointment is inevitable. Our TWW starts tomorrow & if I get a BFN I know I'm going to be devastated. I've become obsessed with this process. I am using OPK's, Clear blue fertility monitor, Preseed, Mucinex & we've bd'd every fertile day but one. I've had friends & family members who have had a lot of difficulty with infertility & it scares me, so we figured we would do everything possible right from the start, to ensure conception. How do I prevent myself from becoming so obsessed with this & to just relax? Is anyone else in the same boat as me?