Previous labor stories


Mommy x’s 2
Jan 12, 2012
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any 2nd or more time mommas feel like telling their previous labor stories while we wait out third tri?

Here’s mine:
Induction at 39w 3d due to preeclampsia. Planned to start with cervadil to soften cervix.
Went into hospital at 6am. Got set up and monitored and was actually having contractions on my own but nothing I even could realize. I was 2cm and 50% which was up from not even 1cm and barely effaced at all! Believe the nurse did a sweep when she checked as it was rough and right after I lost my mucous plug. Labored forever it seemed and they broke my waters around 12:00pm to speed things up as I was only 3cm. Not too long after that I got the epidural because the IV pain meds did nothing but make me so loopy I couldn’t focus. Things at this point were a blur.. the epidural was probably around 3-4pm. I was only maybe 6cm around 7-8pm. And only made it to 7cm by midnight. They kept turning my pitocin off due to long contractions or something. Had back labor around 3-4am for over an hour. Finally got to get some sleep around 6am (24 hours after getting to hospital) around 7am we started pitocin again and cranked it up. I was getting to the point where infections were at risk. By 10am I was 10cm. Dr checked me was super rude and basically said I wasn’t ready. 11:15am the nurse had me set up to start pushing and my actual dr came in to say I’m not even sure what he said but he walked back out and said he’d be back in a minute. 11:20 something we started pushing. 11:45 the nurse is calling all kind of people over the headphone to hurry up. Everyone including doctor runs in and she was born at 11:56am! Perfect, healthy and no tearing!

Baby 2:
Monday 1/15/18 was check at dr office everything was perfect and only 1cm and 50% I was 39 weeks and we did a membrane strip. Wednesday 1/17/19 I cleaned and danced with DD all day. That evening after dinner I made myself a milkshake. Around 8pm I started to feel nauseous and thought it was the shake. We all went to bed around 9pm and I joked about how I haven’t had any contractions. 10pm I really started to feel sick and went to lay in my living room on the couch so I didn’t wake dh. 11pm I started to vomit. This of course brought on contractions. I laid on the couch watching tv, feeling nauseous and taking note of contractions. They were all over the place. Around 3am I called hospital and they said drink some water and lay down and see if they ease up or spread out, if not then come in. None of them were painful and they did spread out. Finally around 5am I fell asleep. Husband woke at 6am and I told him he couldn’t go to work. He laid on the couch and let me have the bed for the next hour. I called my dr office when they opened and they said my doc was in surgery and to go to hospital and he could see me there. We got ready and bags packed and DD to my in laws. Finally got to the hospital around 9:30-10am. Got checked in and set up to be monitored. Blood pressure was high and protein in my urine and the nurse asked me about my history with preeclampsia. Some Dr came in said “are you feeling better” I said I haven’t thrown up in awhile and she said “ok” and discharged me. I demanded they call my doctor. They discharged me but said I could wait in waiting room for him. He saw my in the ball and had me come to his office to be checked at 3 that afternoon. It was lunch time so we ate and walked the mall until appointment. Once in his office my blood pressure was still high, +2 for protein in urine and I was 4cm dilated. He admitted me to start a slow drip of pitocin through the night and have baby in morning. We finally got back over to hospital and settled around 5pm 1/18/18 and they had DH get us dinner. We got to see DD for a few around 7pm and then we got IV and pitocin going around 8pm. His heart rate was fluctuating pretty bad so we had the dose really low. Eventually had to turn it off and labor on my own. Contractions were 5min apart and never got closer. I did this til 4am when I finally got to 6cm and could get epidural. Tried pitocin again at this point and he couldn’t handle it so turned back off to labor on my own and could not get my epidural meds because they didn’t want to slow down anything. 6-am my water broke on it’s own. 7am I was checked and still only 6-7cm. They had my on oxygen as well which they started around the time they turned off the pitocin after epidural. 8am nurse had me prepped in case I needed an emergency csection to get him out because of distress. But let me stay in one position that kept his heart rate up and me breathing oxygen. Finally 9am I was checked and completed. Tried a push and his heart stopped. She flipped me and pushed on me and got his heart back up and called OR to get me ready called my dr to rush in. He came in at 9:05 probably. Talked to me for a couple minutes while other people came in. Say on the bed beside me and told the nurse how to position my bed (head down butt up) he said next contraction push hard, I did. They all were yelling at me to breathe deep breaths and push with next contraction. I did and he was born at 9:37am perfectly healthy, ALIVE but totally tangled in his cord. I cried for a solid 5-10 minutes in dis belief that he was ok! No tearing and we went home the next day!

Mine were so long and hoping this last one is super easy, quick, safe and all the good things!!
DS- woke up to blood everywhere. Went to hospital. Labored to 8cm. Emergency section due to a abruption. 14hrs start to finish. 36wks

Dd1- had contractions. Went to hospital. Labored to 5cm. Stalled. Crap doctor did nothing. Section. 14hrs start to finish. 36wks

Dd2- 3cm 50% at induction. Labored to 10cm. VBA2C. 14hrs start to finish. 40wks.

This baby- plan to homebirth at 40+wks!
First son, 2016. Was dilated for 4cm at the check-up, got contractions 5min apart at 6am. By the time we got to the delivery room I was 8cm. After 2 hours, he was born in 3 pushes just before 1pm. Great delivery, no tearing etc.

Second son, 2019. Was dilated 6cm at the check-up and given the choice to wait it out at home or go to the hospital as the doc presumed they only needed to break my waters to get things going. Opted for the second, but the waters couldn’t be broken. Started on pitocin, at 10cm in 45 min but the kid didn’t drop. Had to push, wait, push, wait for an hour. After that, he was born in two pushes but I had to be put under for scraping. All in all, 2 hours but now an exactly pleasant experience.

There will be bo #3, but best of luck to you all!
1st baby, vaginal hospital birth 10 hours from first contraction to baby.

2nd baby, vaginal birth in the midwife led unit, 6 hours from first contraction to baby.

3rd baby, vaginal home birth 18 hours from first contraction to baby.

Waters broke minutes before baby arrived all 3 times
1st baby - 10 hours start to finish, arrived at the hospital at 4cm.. 6 hours later DD was born.

2nd baby - 1.5 hours start to finish. Arrived at the hospital and DS was born 6 minutes later :shock:

Hoping this baby will be less quick than DS so we actually make it to the hospital but quicker than DD :haha:
My first son was born at 23 weeks due to a rare infection that I had which in turn was causing my body to push him out. This was a stop and go labor controlled by the doctors, so I cannot count that- but pitocin was involved and it was vaginal. My son weighed 1lb 8oz, 11 inches long and is now a completely healthy 4 year old. Absolute miracle.

2nd son- on and off contractions two nights in a row and on the third night, I finally couldn’t sleep with the pain so we went into the hospital around 430am. I was 39 +5 and was 4cm dialated upon arrival so they admitted me. The doctors broke my water and then gave me an epidural just before we started pitocon. I had to lay on my right side because his heart rate was declining If I’d laid on my left, so eventually all of the epidural medicine pooled into my right side and I had to get a boost of more medicine. Finally I was 10cm, pushed for maybe 30 minutes, and he was born at 410pm, 8lbs 4oz, 20.5 inches long. I did test and that turned out to be the worst part of my healing after his birth. My tear reopened when I was checked 2 weeks later and the doctor said that they just let that heal on its own- so painful! So I had my nice little butt pillow everywhere I went lol

Currently pregnant with 3rd son- hoping to use Nitrus gas this time around (as this is new to my hospital and rare to find as an option in the US) and avoid the epidural as long as I can! If I end up needing the epidural I won’t be disappointed, but just want a happy birthing experience that is safe for baby and I - definitely scared of tearing again!
#1 38 weeks labored for 25 hrs. Pushed for over an hour still wasn't coming all the way so had to have a vacume extraction. 5lb1ox
#2 39weeks labored 18 hrs was sent home at a 3 came back an hour later at an 8 dr barely made it to the room to deliver him. 6lb 12oz
#3 induced at 41 weeks labored for 10 hrs 8lbs 6oz
#4 induced 42weeks labored 10 hrs 9lbs
#5 40 weeks was in labor all through my fists birthday party got to hospital at 8pm for her induction that was scheduled but was already 6cm. had her 6 hr later 7lb 7 oz.
#6 40 weeks water broke at home went to hospital no contractions so was induced had her 4 hrs later 7lb 3oz.
1st rainbow was induced at 42 weeks. No idea how long I laboured for it was all a bit chaotic as her heart kept stopping. Ended up being forceps and ventous delivery with the added joy of an episiotomy.

2nd baby had a sweep at 40+6 he was born the next morning in A&E after only 3 contractions. 20 minutes start to finish.

3rd baby induced at 41 weeks. 40 minutes start to finish.

4th baby induced at 38 weeks. 45 minutes start to finish lol he was born in the toilet.
Dd - went to hospital after going into labour naturally at 40+2, was 4cms when I got there very straight forward 7 hour labour, she was a dainty 7lb, had gas and air and pethadine and needed just stitches afterwards, she was born at 40+3.

Ds - went into labour at 30 weeks, held on until 40 weeks when I was induced, started contracting almost instantly and had to fight with the midwife to examine me in half hour after inserting the pessary, she would not do it but once she did it was straight to delivery for me, labour was 2hours 20 mins from start to finish, had just has and air, was gowned up ready for an epidural which I didn't have chance to get, heart kept dropping and needed my waters broken quickly and he was already half out lol 2 pushes and he was out and was a healthy 8lb 4oz. Had placenta trouble but they managed to remove it after a bit of a battle and avoided theatre thankfully, ended up losing quite a bit of blood and getting myself a nasty infection, but over all, the better labours of my two, wasn't as painful either and much quicker, still needed stitches but only had 4 once again:)
So envious of the quick labors! Mine have been so long!

Hoping #3 is good to me!
So envious of the quick labors! Mine have been so long!

Hoping #3 is good to me!

Hoping it goes quick for you too :) I'm hoping this baby isn't as quick, I'd like to make it to the hospital without giving birth in the car if I do go into labour on my own lol

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