My waters (which I thought was me peeing have been leaking for the last two weeks. The index was 14cm 2 weeks ago and yesterday was 6cm so that wee I thought I was leaking turns out it was waters... I've been in hospital over night because I was having contractions for two hours on the monitor earlier first at every 10 minutes then every 5 minutes then they tailed off to every 10 minutes and seemed to have settled a lot this morning. I've had the steroids so that's good.
What I'm after really is any experience that you have with this. How long did they let you go with low waters? The doctor said if they are still slow every week on scan then I'm to be induced at 34 weeks. Was you induced early? Did your waters build back up? Is there much chance of that??
What I'm after really is any experience that you have with this. How long did they let you go with low waters? The doctor said if they are still slow every week on scan then I'm to be induced at 34 weeks. Was you induced early? Did your waters build back up? Is there much chance of that??