When I first came out of the cinema I didnt like it but I cant stop thinking about all the questions I have about it and the more I mull it over the more I want to see it again.
Like what was the green crystal for, why where the engineers angry,
My theory is there is more religious theames then we first think.
I think the cave painting are from key times where the engineers habe picked key figures throughout time to explain everything to them and guide them as leaders(one egyptian painting was dated to the year the pyramids where built anouther is from the tomb lid of a famous myan king)
So these key selected leaders are guided by the engineers to help humans into a new era each time as they evolve.
The head the carbondated was 2000 years old, what other key figure was around 2000 years ago? plus the alien murial in the chamber was in the shape of someone crusified.
I think its something like jesus was picked by the engineers as a leader and they guided him but when he was crucified they became angry about the way humanity was heading with hatred, wars and away from faith.
They where on their way back to punish/destroy us with their weapon (the alien ozze that created the alien) but it went wrong and killed them.
When the engineer woke up hw was angry that humans had survived and had advanced enough to get there and play god by creating synthetic life.
Plus I wonder if others noticed the date the new breed of alien was "born" from shaw was christmas day.
Im not saying jesus was a alien

but rather he was choosen to by guided by the engineers that created us in the begining to help advance humans along with other key figures before