I remember them giving out bags of condoms at the local youth club, obviously doctors and nurses & at the STI clinic (yes my teen years where fun). I suppose they're easy to get hold of but many teens are too embarrassed to ask, especially the younger ones. The youth club has to be the worst because there's no privacy or professionalism like with doctors. Also many young people aren't comfortable to even talk to a doctor about it.
I think there should be a way for condoms to be available anonymously, so people don't have to ask someone for them. There could be a problem with any old random person taking loads but I don't know how you'd get round that.
Also maybe have a clinic at the doctors surgery especially for young people to have what ever kind of conraception suits them. I was put off once when I wanted to change from the pill to the injection but was told I couldn't have this done at the doctors, where I felt most comfortable because I was used to going anyway for other things. Instead I was told to go to the GUM clinic which was miles away & I didn't bother. Having a GUM clinic for a start it a problem if your shy because everyone knows what you're there for & they're not as friendly as the doctors surgery.
People still need to understand how important it is because it seems to me that people off all ages, not just teens really just can't be bothered and would rather take their chances. I know this from my own experience and talking to friends.