Mil yes you cook a roast every sunday and its Dry your cooking is crap I choke on your dry skank meat and yet I smile because Im nice. You may think Im slow and dumb and what ever ells but LET ME COOK CHRISTMAS DINNER SO AT LEAST I CAN HAVE ONE NICE MEAL WITH OUT FEELING LIKE I WANT TO RUB MY HEAD IN DOG MUCK TO GET THE TASTE ME YOUR HORRID COOKING OFF MY TOUNGE ! My son and my daughter and both healthy from what I cook and your son loves my cooking you may joke about and say I cant cook but trust me love I can i cook very well thanks and just cos I dont let my kids eat chips with every dam meal It dont make me a bad mum or mean If you try to ruin another christmas for me with your sad games and name calling you have another thing coming as for your dry meat One word for you GRAVY DAM IT GRAVY thats all ta
P.s I feel soooooooo much better now xx