real life baby obsessed friends? :(


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2009
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I've never thought of it before, but after reading a post on here(think it was mrsp3, sorry i cant remember..!)
saying about possibly feeling lonely when ttc as none of her friends are/will be anytime soon, its made me think how amazing it would be to have a friend who is wtt or ttc and baby obsessed as well :'( does anyone else have this?

Just a nosey question/whinge really.

It is actually quite lonely going on about babies all the time and feeling like you're boring everyone, I'd love to have a real life friend in this situation! :cry:
aww i know how you feel!:hugs:

most of my friends seem to be at a completely different stage to me in their lives. i'm the only one married, in fact the only one living with their OH! whereas my friends seem to be worried about how many drinks they'll be able to afford at the weekend, whether they can find shoes that go with their dress or if their mum (!) has washed the trousers they wanted to wear i seem to be worrying about paying the rent, when we'll be able to move to a bigger place and when i can ttc!

the only person i can really talk to about babies (apart from my v understanding DH) is a girl at work who has a baby and is desperate for me to get preg!

glad i've got all the ladies on here to keep me sane! (sorry for the rambling!)

hey cocokitten, yes it was me that mentioned a lack of real life friends wtt or ttc.. my best friend from school occasionally mentions she's broody but she lives 2 hours away from her bf and has no plans of moving nearer to him any time soon so i can't see her doing anything about it. when i told her i was starting to take folic acid she freaked out too, saying doesn't that make you fat?!! clearly she doesn't spend any time on bnb!! i was the first of all my school year to get married at 24 and they all thought that was scandalous (not that i care) one girl i know from our year is pregnant and due to give birth in summer- have started facebook stalking her like nobodys business! unfortunately never liked her so can't become friends now:dohh: so sadly for me its only here i can really open up about how broody i feel. also don't know about you guys but if i do tell my real life friends i feel like they'll be checking up on me to see if i'm pregnant yet.. every week. and sometimes its easier to be 100% honest about your feelings with people who don't know you and won't judge you for it :hugs:
My best friend used to be broody as hell and I could tell her everything, but since she's been at uni she's been all judgemental like "you're gonna ruin your life" basically!

So yeah I know how you feel, I wish I had just one friend who I could speak to honestly, like I do with you guys on here. But then I just feel so lucky to have SOMEONE to talk to about it, and you guys are pretty darn good, as it goes! xx
also don't know about you guys but if i do tell my real life friends i feel like they'll be checking up on me to see if i'm pregnant yet.. every week. and sometimes its easier to be 100% honest about your feelings with people who don't know you and won't judge you for it :hugs:

This is how I feel and is the reason DH and I aren't telling anyone we've decided to start a family, I just don't want the added pressure. Much easier to come to my secret BnB world and share my thoughts with you lot :flower:
I've posted something like this before. Oh and I see a couple who are our closest friends where we live. They're the same as us basically, she's just as broody as me but we don't talk about it that much yet, the friendship just isn't there yet, lol. My "best friend" is consumed in uni, has gone all cliquey and I've mentioned that we want to ttc nxt year and she literally said "oh my god, well I'm not going to go and do stuff like that for another 5 or 10 years". Any other friends are dotted around the country and like alcohol, clubs, alcohol, overdrafts, and then some more alcohol. I hate it. There's so many of us on here but yet I never seem to come across people with the same feelings as me in uni, work, etc. Forget silly policies and government crap, our new prime minister should section of some of the country as "broodyville" and we all get to live there. Xxxx
I'm lucky in that I have two close friends and my sister who understand and who I can talk to (to varying degrees). They're all in different situations, one friend has two LOs already, the other is ttc no. 1 but has an OH with low sperm count so I don't want to bring it up too much to avoid reminding/upsetting her. My sister is too young and not quite there with her situation but I think secretly she wishes she could ttc herself, so again I restrain myself when it comes to baby talk.
But I've also completely lost a friend of more than 15 years due to opening up about our baby plans. She's just completely not settled, constantly fights with her OH and generally can't see herself marrying him or having kids with him. She says the fact that I'm married and wtt makes her feel old and under pressure to "keep up". At the same time she's very down on me for being so "boring and old" as to want to start a family. She's said some very hurtful things (my favourite: she seriously said that she thought I only want a baby to be able to dress it up in cutesy outfits. That one still stings because that's SO not who I am) in the last year or so and we've now completely lost contact, though not for lack of trying on my part. :nope: I've actually gone and upset myself over it again now. She'd just been in my life for so long and I've helped her through some pretty tough times, so why can't she get over herself and share this with me now? She did the same when we got married. Emailed two days before to say she'd split up with her OH (again) and wasn't coming. I'm still upset she wasn't there to share that day with us. :nope:
But I guess I should be grateful for the people who are there and who do support me. I have some pretty special people in my life and really can't complain.

Edit: Sorry for the essay! Sore subject.. :haha:
I have a pupil who is going to TTC soon, so it was really nice to talk about things, though the conversation was rather restricted as I am an English teacher and she is Spanish, so her English was not up to having a long conversation. She thought I was very well informed, I told her about BnB and everything X

I would like a friend to be broody with, however, if I got pregnant before this friend I would feel guilty, as i read so much about how people get jealous and I would feel bad if I thought anyone had that feeling towards me. Just want everyone to be happy, as silly as it sounds.
One of my best friends has an 8 month old and is going to be TTC again soon as she has just had her implant removed. She knows I want to TTC when we move so we do have little chats about it which is nice. I just randomly text her asking her is she is preggers or not yet? Hahaha.

Hmmm...none of my friends are broody or settled right now, infact even the fact that I am settled puts them off me a bit I think. I don't know anyone who lives with their partner and infact!

I know a few old friends who left school after GCSE's and have children who live with their partner but (and I don't mean this in an offensive way because it is just the way it is) they haven't done anything with their lives and just went straight onto benefits.

So no one seems to be at uni with a long term partner and if they are, everyone is more focused on their future than a family. I don't know what it is but people seem to think if you go to uni you have to put of having children for another 7 years to establish a is constantly a waiting game until the next thing is accomplished! It does my head in!

I do have one friend who lives near my parents who has a little one and lives with her partner (but at his mother) but again....i'm not sure she would understand my broodiness, she loves her little one (he is 1 now) to peices but he was an accident and she never wanted children before the little cutie came along. Last time I spoke to her she doesn't want any more :( She would probably tell me to wait for ages still!
thanks for the hugs! :flower:

Its like a secret world here!
all my family know I come on here all the time, so it's not a secret my broodiness but its just no one being particularly interested in talking about it.

Amygdala i think that girl has serious jealousy issues! I'd try not to let her upset you too much it does just sound like jealousy :hugs:

I think my sister finds it hard to talk about me having babies as shes 3years older and been married for two years.

But her goals are more career oriented though, whereas thats important to me but not as much as ttc!

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