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Realistically.. It's not gonna happen naturally is it?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2013
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So wednesday I had an attempted sweep. She could insert a finger but the top was closed. I lost a little blood and what I presume is broken bits of my plug due to being messed with down there. Only had blood stained discharge since.

I've ached more.. Been sore more etc.. So I've been hopeful.

I've noticed though, for about a week my cervix seems to have gone higher than it was before.. It wasn't unreachable at the sweep.. But usually it's not that high. It was soft though. Today after DTD I wanted to make sure everything was cleared out kinda thing and I couldn't even reach it unless I tried. I'm only petite, so usually I can feel it.

But I thought.. Wouldn't it go lower the closer baby is to coming.. Because the only way for him to go in down and add more pressure onto?!

My induction is due Wednesday.. Does this mean that an induction may be difficult if I'm not even progressing?!

Anyone out there who's not had much or any progression had an okay induction?! Or has it resulted in a c section?

I really don't want to be induced and I really really do not want a c section. I feel so disappointed that I've had no signs but a few aches that eventually fizzle out!
I was very over due with my DD, my midwife wouldn't even do a sweep as my cervix wasn't favourable and completely closed and she said she wouldn't do it, I was so disappointed at 40+12 she tried again but refused again as they was no change, so she booked me in for induction at 40+14.

But on the evening before my induction at 40+13 I went into labour on my own. :)

Don't lose hope just yet.
I'm really really hoping so! Even if it means the pain just gradually gets worse and worse for days and days then at least I know SOMETHING is happening.

I was so convinced he was gonna be early too the whole time!

It's just disapointing when you think the 'idea' of what will happen doesn't seem like it's going to happen.. Still time.. But.. I already feel defeated :(

Plus I'll get anxious with all the extra things an induction will bring.. And it can take a lot longer than a natural birth sometimes.

Baby's gotta give me a sign this weekend otherwise I just know it's not going to happen naturally now!
I totally understand that feeling Hun.

I'm keeping everything tightly crossed that you'll be updating soon with progression :)
Good luck hun! I imagine it's quite frustrating!!
Oh darling, I feel your pain. With my first, I had a sweep at 8 days over and the mw couldn't do it properly. She said I had an unfavourable cervix and there was no way i was going into labour on my own over the weekend. That was the Thursday, I was booked in to be induced on the Monday and ds arrived just into the Sunday morning after labour starting on the Friday. With DD I was on the way to hospital to be induced when my labour started. No need for anything and she arrived a few hours later.
Don't give up hope. Keep active. Keep busy and I bet that wee one takes you by surprise soon xx
Yes it can happen naturally, your still 'early' overdue. Keep a positive mind :) it doesnt mean your induction will be harder but id be more tempted to wait until over 42w
Hun things can change really quickly. Don't give up hope. Xx
It could definitely still happen! I had a sweep at 40+2 that I was quite hopeful about 'cause baby had been semi engaged for weeks and I'd been having lots of promising pains, and she couldn't even perform the sweep 'cause my cervix was so high up and she could only fit a finger tip in. I was gutted. At 40+7 I went into labour naturally.
Effacing can make it shorten and spread so that can make it harder to feel.

Even in labour with my son, my midwife looked she she had her whole arm up there trying to reach mine.
Don't be disheartened. I gave birth yesterday and there was nothing different on Thursday night and I slept a normal night's sleep. I agree about keeping active. Keep walking and keep going. You also can refuse an induction if they are happy baby is okay so you don't need to feel like you only have a few days. (Though I was starting to feel that way myself)
I was at 3cm and 60% effaced for over a week, I borrowed an excersise ball from my mother in law sat and rocked and bounced on it for 3 days on and off, went into labor after using it for those 3 days, my entire labor from the start of having painful contractions to having her was less then 5 hours,which ended in me having a completely natural birth no epidural no nothung. Good luck :) I didn't have a sweep at all thogh
I share your pain Hun, I'm due to be induced on Wednesday aswell at 40 + 12. I really don't want to be induced either. I was told at 38 weeks baby was 3/5ths engaged but when midwife check before attempting a sweep baby wasn't engaged so she wouldn't even attempt it. I've been bouncing on my ball for hours a day and still nothing so I am resigned to being induced on Wednesday.
Fingers crossed for us something happens before Wednesday! The weather was crap today so I'm gona try a walk tomorrow! Or at least have a last minute tidy around to keep me active! Bit of hoovering and I may re sort my wardrobe just to keep me busy!

I feel even more normal this evening! No aches! I usually have more aches on an evening! I feel ache free this evening.. Pfft!
I had 3 sweeps from 40+1, all did nothing. Went in on a Weds, had pessaries for 48 hours and zilch. Waters went naturally at 1:30am, was due to be induced by breaking waters at 8:00am so have hope!

No c-section either despite labouring for 16 hours. Fingers crossed for you.

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