Really Could Do With Out This ...


Aug 31, 2006
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Went to be early last night and took some pain killers for my headache, woke up before 7am this morning and felt good .... i moved and felt queesy 10 mins later i was really sick ....

Now im throwing up twice an hour, Gav stayed off work and im gonna get mum to fetch maddie i feel light headed and icky but no dodgy tum.

Rung labour ward (again) an she told me to be carful my waters don't go and i have no loss :wacko:

Thanks for that im thinking!, told me to go in, in morning if sickness hasn't died down ...

Tis all i need lol! :hissy:

Aww hunny, nowt much to say except i sympathise
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
BIG :hugs: You rest up woman as they told you to do

Thinking of you

Small blessing is Gav off & it's the weekend. You know where I am if you need me or to drop Maddie off should things need to be looked at further - lets hope not though.

x x x
Sorry to hear you are really poorly Imi. Rest and take it easy as much as you can. Hope you feel better soon.

Thinking of you :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
BIG :hugs: You rest up woman as they told you to do

Thinking of you

Small blessing is Gav off & it's the weekend. You know where I am if you need me or to drop Maddie off should things need to be looked at further - lets hope not though.

x x x

:hugs: :hugs: Fankoo hunni :hugs: :hugs:

She going to mums morrow so she might get her before then! if not she's alllllllllllll yours :rofl:

Aw Imi, that sounds horrible. Poor you. :hugs:

How are you feeling now?

Bloody terrible can't stop being sick .... Not seen lala all day and im not keeping anything down and poor Gav clearing up after me ...

Pished off :(

Thanks for asking though!
I hope your feeling a little better today hun x
How are you feeling this morning Imi? Hope you are a bit better. :hugs:
Do you think you got a bug Imi cos I was like that and was sick everytime i ate anything. Im fine now though but worried about my little bean as not yet 12 weeks.
hope you are feeling better today imi x:hugs:
Not been sick (fingers crossed) since late last night and i ate not long ago ...

tired as OH snored all night (numpty bollox) and maddie gone to mums just.

gonna chill feel LOADS better just a bit of a dull headache!

Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better Imi.

God, the germs on this place at the moment! Some horrid stuff going round folks.
Feel LOADS better must have been a sickness bug???

Strange ... poor Gav he was going green with what he was clearing up!
hi imi how you feeling today hun hope you are feeling better xxx spunky xxx

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