Really nervous to find out what the gender is.. 4 weeks to go.


Proud new mother!
Mar 10, 2012
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This is mine and my fiance's first pregnancy. I'm 12+2 along and as the weeks go by and we get closer and closer to being able to find out the gender of our child, I find myself getting more and more anxious.

I really would love to have a boy first. I've always wanted a boy, we have a defiant name already picked out and I always find myself wandering over to the boys section more even though I'm trying to stay team yellow as to not get my hopes up too much just in case.

I have nothing against girls, I would love a girl as well, but not as a first. We have names picked out for a girl as well, but I'm so indecisive with them. On a plus side, my mother just had my newest baby sister two months ago so we'd have tons of baby clothes, but she still has my little brother's baby clothes too, just not as many as he's two now and she'd given some to family.

My gut instincts tells me its a boy. The Chinese gender chart also says it'll be a boy (age 20, month August), and I swear the scan just screams boy to me. These are the same gut instincts that told me I was pregnant a few weeks before we actually found out.

I've read that some women didn't get morning sickness when pregnant with their boys but did with their girls. If that's the case for me it's defiantly a boy because I haven't gotten sick at all, just been really tired and sleeping a lot but that's starting to wear off now that I'm closer to my second trimester.

Maybe it's because I want it so badly, but I just feel like it's a boy. I hope I'm right, but either way I will and always have loved my baby. Even before I knew for sure that a little miracle was growing inside me. It would just be the icing on the cake if the scan says it's a boy in a few weeks. Fingers crossed.
The morning sickness thing is a myth my first was a boy and I was sick all the way through I was actually dreading getting pregnant again cos it was so bad. I'm team yellow and was team yellow for my first too. I'm carrying this one differently but still think its a boy. I think u should just try to picture yourself with both so ur nt disappointed and also dnt pin ur hopes on findin out at ur scan cos ur lo may have his or her legs shut or be in a difficult position so they may nt be able to tell.
I hope you get your sweet little boy! My mom and grandma was only sick carrying boys. I .ever for morning sickness with my son
I know how you feel! We have 26 days until our ultrasound and I think about it and feel a rush of excitement, and a huge wave of terror haha. Im hoping for a girl. But still!

Sorry to rain on your morning sickness parade, but with both my boys I was incredibly sick! And I had to take pills until the day I gave birth. Literally. I believe I had first thought I was more sick this pregnancy and then realized definitely not. I threw up at my 22 week ultrasound with my first. Im nearly 15 weeks now and would have definitely still been sick with my boys.

I definitely think if you want something bad enough every little old wives tale ect is going to point to what you want. Every little gender thing I've done has said girl. But I didnt do all of them in my previous pregnancies. Except the ring test, which said boy. So who knows!

I really do hope you get your boy!

I wanted a girl all three pregnancies. I knew my first was a boy immediately regardless of what I wanted. And I really am glad that I did.
Thank you everyone for such supportive advice. I have a two-month-old baby sister and the more I think about it the more I realize that it really doesn't bother me which one I have first. I think more so that I at least want both a boy and a girl before OH says no more kids (I want three, he only wants two). I love taking care of my sister, and running after my two-year-old brother, so either way my child will have two playmates already, and I already act like a mom to both of my younger siblings.

I think it's the suspense more than anything that's getting to me now. Feel like a hen waiting for her egg to hatch. After I know the gender I'll be more relaxed but probably anxious for him/her to arrive already. Lol.

Thank you ladies a lot. It really means a lot to me that I'm able to come on here and voice my worries, concerns, problems, big or little, or to just vent to someone that'll understand where I'm coming from. Dunno what I would do without BnB through WTT, to NTNP, to now being pregnant. It's a lifesaver really, (I'm sure OH would agree if he knew how often I saved his poor ears from my ranting and odd concerns, lol) so I just wanted to thank you all for that. :)


Today we had our ultrasound for the second part of the down syndrome testing that California offers (pretty sure other states offer it too). I mainly opted for the test because it required a blood sample which I took last Friday and also gave me another ultrasound, but I figured it's better safe than sorry and any chance we get to see our baby I will gladly take.

Got there and had trouble finding the office, though I'm sure I'll know my way around soon as it was the hospital I will eventually give birth in. It's also the same hospital I, and all my siblings, were born in. :)

So once we find the place it was a short wait to be seen by the ultrasound tech. It was a nice quite room with a cute exotic bird mobile that reminded me of the Tiki Room at Disneyland. I hopped up on the chair and she squirted what I thought was going to be cold gel but turned out to be hotter than I expected onto my abdominal area. I was anxious about this ultrasound as lately I haven't been feeling all that pregnant. I feel fine, but I'm guessing that I'm just one of the lucky ones that doesn't have horrible pregnant symptoms.

She glided around on my abs for a bit and the look on OH's face told me that our little baby was defiantly okay. I relaxed a bit and waited for her to say something. She told me all the things they were going to check. My ovaries just to see if they can see them as later on they get obstructed by my growing uterus and some measurements of my baby. She also said she'd print out some pictures, so I'm thinking that it's just going to be a simple ultrasound with no real news but some nice pictures to add to my mini photo album. Then she said the magic words that caught mine and OH's attention:

"Were you both wanting to know the sex or would I be ruining a surprise?"

Say what?! Of course I wanted to know! I've been dying to know! So now my anxiety has risen through the roof. The answer was on the screen, and there was a good chance that she would be right, so there'd be no hoping for a boy if there was no sign of a little nub of a penis there. I crossed my fingers and she turned the screen to show me this picture.​

And that little arrow there? That arrow is pointing to my little boy's penis! We are so excited! The ultrasound tech of course had to give us a disclaimer since we are three weeks early to be completely sure, but she said it'll just get bigger, lol. There's no way a girl would have that extra little appendage there between her legs. So now, my little boy, is said to be about 12 weeks and 6 days along, but I'm not to worried if my ticker is a day or two off as the EDD will most likely change as he continues to grow.

I can't believe it! I knew this whole time. From the day I found out I was pregnant, my baby has always felt like a boy to me (I'm sure because I was wanting one so badly), but even the first ultrasound picture screamed boy! And now it's official. I can start buying and planning for a boy. The name isn't set in stone of course, but for now we've settled on Liam as his first name. My little lion man. Oh, I could not be happier. And OH is very proud of himself and his little spermies for the boy ones getting there faster than the girl ones. Might have something to do with how we DTD so close to my O date. And that would be my doing, lol. :)

Oh, and the test results will come in a few days as they hadn't received my labs yet. But at that point I was so over joyed I had forgotten that we had come for a totally different reason and that learning our baby's a boy was just an added bonus. So they'll call me in a few days when they get my labs, and I'm still praying that everything is okay because I have the little boy I've always wanted and I can finally relax completely now.

Thank you everyone for the amazing support. :)


I'm honestly sure it's a boy, but at around that time girl genitalia and boy genitalia actually do look very much alike! At 12 weeks it's about the angle it's pointing, and your baby's dangle is certainly sitting at a BOY angle!

Boys are a lot of fun! I'm glad you got what you wanted!
Congrats!!!!!!!!!!! Your going to LOVE being a mommy to a sweet little wee man!
Thank you everyone! And yes, I am very excited! I have a two-year-old little brother that I have practically raised (He goes around calling me Mommy Ashleigh, lol) so I'm super excited to watch them grow up together and be really close. OH said that of course it'd be a boy, his day only had boys, and his dad before that had 5 boys and one girl. So now it looks like I might be longing for a little girl next time around, but we've agreed on having three kids, so two more pregnancies to try for a little sister for our little man.

Thanks again. If anyone wants to keep updated I update my journal regularly. :)

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