Hi, after several years of appointments, moving house, more appointments and assesments etc my son (4.5) finally got his diagnosis of ASD a few weeks ago. (high functioning) He starts reception in mainstream school in reception (where he is just finishing his year at nursery at the same school). He will get a lady from the local Inclusion Support team visit him on and off at school for the 1st 8 weeks then after that they will review it again to see if she is still needed.
However nobody has mentioned anything about Statements to me but I keep seeing it mentioned on various websites time and time again and I'm not sure if I need to do anything to get it or if they would of mentioned it when they gave him his diagnosis?
I personally think he is going to need lots of help as not only is he starting 'big school' etc but at the moment he isnt toilet trained due to various reasons but mainly he suffers from chronic constipation which I am trying to sort with Movicol but its not working all the time and I somehow feel I've got to toilet train him now before he starts in September! He doesn't tell me when he needs to go either so I dread to think what he is going to be like at school with all those distractions all day!
However nobody has mentioned anything about Statements to me but I keep seeing it mentioned on various websites time and time again and I'm not sure if I need to do anything to get it or if they would of mentioned it when they gave him his diagnosis?
I personally think he is going to need lots of help as not only is he starting 'big school' etc but at the moment he isnt toilet trained due to various reasons but mainly he suffers from chronic constipation which I am trying to sort with Movicol but its not working all the time and I somehow feel I've got to toilet train him now before he starts in September! He doesn't tell me when he needs to go either so I dread to think what he is going to be like at school with all those distractions all day!