Recent c-section looking for some support...


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2014
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My little lady was born 9 days ago I had a bit of a horrific experience.
She was meant to be born at home but after my waters broke the midwife examined me and felt toes.
I was rushed to hospital in an ambulance with blue lights. I have a history of very quick births.
I made it to hospital without any real contractions.
I had a portable scan and it was confirmed she was breech so they planned a section for me. But decided I wasn't an emergency so let another lady (who was elective and not in labour) go first.
Of course, as soon as she went in my labour kicked off and within 20 minutes from my first contraction I was ready to push.
It was horrific they had to rush me into the second theatre and prep me quickly.
Her head was stuck under my ribs and after much tugging she came out with a mouthful of my blood :( took her a few minutes to clear it and properly cry (well about 30 seconds to a minute but it felt like forever)

So 5 days later the midwife takes off my dressing and I have fatty tissue on the outside that has not been tucked in... No idea? But it's slowed up healing :(

Now 9 days on and I'm not really feeling much better, still stiff when I walk, haven't even attempted to bend, haven't been upstairs, can pick up darcie and I'm able to change bums etc but not bent over I change her beside me on the sofa.

I'm feeling down in the dumps and sorry for myself.
Any body else remember day 9?
When will I feel a bit better?
The thought of even getting dressed out of leggings and loose clothes scares me senseless!
I've not been out of the house apart from to come home from hosp.


Any advice greatly appreciated! I feel so low :flower:
Aw, I'm sorry to hear this. I have no experience with CS so I can't offer advice, but I hear you on feeling low. I had two relatively straight forward vaginal births and by day 9 was still feeling quite rough (physically and emotionally), so it sounds like you're doing fantastically, considering. It WILL get better though. Keep reminding yourself of this. I hope you get the fatty tissue thing sorted out soon and start feeling more like yourself. Hugs!
so sorry hun.. i cant believe the hospital did that! my healing from my CS was fab but my friend had a hard time healing afterwards and it took he a good month to feel even remotely normal. Try remember you have just had major surgery (and also it was en EMCS so would have been rushed meaning more bruising etc) and your body needs time to heal.

Have you pain killers hun? xx
sorry you are having such a hard time. i have had 3 sections and my tubes reversed(same operation) my best advice is to get moving the more you more the faster you will heal. i know that is hard when you are in pain but trust me. you are going to be in comfy clothes for awhile. take any pain meds you have been prescribed. IT WILL GET BETTER.
It's a hard balance to keep mobile enough so you don't seize up, but not so much that you end up bleeding heavily or causing yourself any damage. I found the first fortnight post-section really hard going. My back ached from the spinal block, my shoulders hurt from sitting up all night feeding, my hips ached and I felt I could barely walk. Little and often-get your muscles around your abdomen to take the strain and get your blood pumping, which will help you heal faster, too.

Hope things have brightened up for you since you first posted this. And sorry you had a traumatic time of the birth. Homebirth turned emcs is big jolt both physically and mentally. Let yourself grieve for the birth you'd anticipated if you need to :flower:
Hi honey I can totally relate. I had an emcs 4 weeks ago and it was so scary. The recovery in the first week was difficult for me, I struggled bfing and then a week later was diagnosed with severe anemia. I felt cheated out of my birth experience and the first week bonding with my son as I felt so sh*t!!
I am now 4 weeks post section and feeling so much better.
I healed relatively well in terms of my wound and it only now feels a little tender. But for the first 2 weeks I didn't so much bending etc, honestly it will all come in time.

I felt so down in the first 2 weeks I promise it gets easier. Please message me if you want to chat xxx

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