reconsidering the cloth nappy thing...what does it for you/convince me...


Mummy of 2
Feb 15, 2010
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I'm still sat on te fence about whether to go for cloth nappies or not.

please tell me your loves/hates about them

best thing about them

what swung it for you etc

get the jist any info is good.

If i do it i was thinking pocket with poppers...this a good idea??

pros/cons of these and suggestions etc..

thanks in advnce
the main thing for me is that no disposable can contain leaks with my boy. With cloth i can adjust the absorbancy and size to suit him rather than just buy what the average baby needs in a disposable.

pockets with poppers:
pros: easy to use, adjustable absorbancy, can be quite economical

cons: have to be changed at every nappy change.

i am new-ish to cloth :flower:
I wanted to use cloth as soon as I thought about nappies when pregnant, I didnt even know about the cute and easy designs. I was mainly thinking, more natural, better for her and might save us money to boot.

A few things stick in my mind, 1 is sposies can take like 300 years to biodegrade. So that mean's Chloe's pooey nappies (about 5,000ish nappies from birth to potty) will outlive her and me and her children, that made me think hard.

also if the chemicals in the nappy take that long to biodegrade then it worries me what's actually in them!

Also they stink! I really thought cloth might be a but smelly, but when she's in cloth I can rarely tell if she's wee'd or pooped! Whereas sposies smell as soon as she wee and when she poops in one you can tell from across the room!!

Also our dustbin was filling up fast, and even when double wrapped the smell when you went to the bin was unpleasant, I hate to think what it's like in summer or if your bin only gets emptied every few weeks!

And when I did start doing some research it just confirmed it even more, so easy to use, an extra 2/3 washes a week is nothing, although we have spent more money on cloth in the last 6 months then we would have on sposies in a year/year and a half, I cant complain as whenever I go to change her bum and think 'which nappy shall we put on now' just brightens my day. It makes a not so pleasant job, much much happier!!

HTH xx
there are no hates nor downsides as far as Im concerned. Everything about them suits me and my lifestyle. No chemicals on his bum, no landfill, no smell, no having to go out to the bin in the rain, no full bin with nowhere to put rubbish, CHEAPER (even with my obsession) I LOVE that I dont have to buy nappies and wipes on my weekly shop!
My older one suffered from terribly nappy rash, Theo hasnt had any whatsoever.
My older one leaked constantly out of ALL disposable nappy brands, Theos nappies dont leak now I have found what suits us.
My older one had to be changed at least twice in the night, Theo goes 12 hours easily in his night nappies.
Basically disposables cant compare, I wouldnt go back to disposables if I was paid to do so.
Oh and pockets are nice and easy, and most people love poppers, however my OH hated them, his fingers are quite big and we always get such a better fit with velcro (although yes they do look tatty after about 6 months).

So dont rush into buying all poppers just in case you find they arent a good fit! Also it is worth trying out other types of nappies, as yet again some people love one type whereas others might not like it!

We have a lot of pockets, takes a while to make them up and restuff them all when they're dried, but I am a fan of AI2's we love Grobaby/Grovia nappies but Flips are cheaper and a lot of ladies on here love them, it's a cheaper option and can reduce your washing pile.

I think cloth is the nicer thing to have on a bum, we started with cloth, then had a break on to sposies (as the ones I picked didn't work well for Izzy) - now we are back on cloth and the ones we use are fantastic - I would never go back to sposies now.

I don't even think sposies are more convenient - tbh the bag fulls of stinking nappies in the wheelie bin is quite frankly disgusting and almost running out of nappies on a bank holiday or late at night when you thought there was a spare packet under the bed = bluddy annoying!

I think cloth wipes are better at cleaning bums than any bought wet wipe, especially poo bums.

I can't really think of any major cons - maybe the fact they are a little more bulky to take when I go out, if I am going out for a long day and need few nappies I do take sposies but its rare that i am out long enough for it to be a problem.
Missy isn't here yet but I can tell you what made us decide to go down the Cloth bum route....

Boyo surfs and there is nothing more horrid for him than being in the water and a dirty nappy or similar landing on him or his surf board so we figured that we couldn't moan about it if we were filling landfills with hundreds if not thousands of nappies.

We also wouldn't wear any harsh chemicals next to our skin so didn't see why we would put our newborns delicate tooshie next to them all day and night.

Having read of, and heard of, disposable leaks, smells and general unpleasantness it was nice to read of and hear stories that people who had moved over from sposies to cloth had notice a marked improvement.

The fact they are pretty and it saves money in the long run too is a bonus and we can't wait for her to get here now and get her bum into an Itti! :cloud9:

My first consideration was the cost savings, my stash has probably cost about £400 but i did do alot of trial and erroring trying to find what type of nappy i preferred - i gained some of it back when i sold my least fav ones.

the second was the decomposing and chemicals - they put stuff in sposies that is no longer used in sanitary products due to TSS. pick up a pack of sposies when your next in the supermarket and see whats in can't it's not listed on any of the packs!!!

i love our nappies, i do 1/2 washes a week for them as we have loads. it does make change time more interesting. one of the only downside i can think of is when your out for the day you have to carry them round with you and take them home.

we used a few sposies on holiday recently and they stunk! and the heat they produce when he wet them seriously worried me! even my hubby hates sposies now!
We started out with disposables with Hayden, it was all I had used for my older 2. But I really wanted to try it and he was 2mo when we first started trying and he seemed noticeably more comfortable in them. Even with 3 kids it really wasn't adding in much work. An extra 2-3 loads of laundry a week, and maybe I'm weird I enjoyed folding them lol. Plus they are so cute! I know there aren't chemicals up against his bum, better for the environment. Just all in all I feel they are so much better
They're sooo pretty :cloud9:. It makes nappy changing time a much more exciting prospect & an extra couple of washes a week is nothing in the long term of things when you think of how long it takes a sposie to decompose. Having had my DS in sposies since birth, I never realised how much they smell till I got DD in cloth.
Environment for us, because I hate the idea of parcels of her poo sitting in landfill for the next few hundred years. But also cost - we spent about £90 on 6 Flip outers (they were BOGOF in Feb) and 20 inserts and that does us - we wash 2/3 times a week and it's all good!!!
brilliant info girlies

my main reason to start with was my guilt over landfil.
I think my main concern is confusion over what type I will like, I know its good to get a selection to begin but also i know that some versions might be better in different brands so I'm looking to see what works for some better than other.

I initially thought velcro, and possibly AI2's but then thought it seemed hassley to put on teh two sepearte layers.

I'm feeling the pockets at the moment, although i could end up with half and half.

Just trying to feel what people get on with. I've read the review thread but it's not easy to take in. Need a table to look at or something.

I definitly dont want nappies with clips so poppers or velcro for me, velcro put me off because it wears out i guess.

Also is it best to get one size or size up as they grow?
I have mostly pockets and mostly poppers plus mostly side snapping poppers....its just what Ive grown to prefer!
Get a variety, what you like at first you may dislike after a while and vice versa! I know my tastes have changed as hes got past the newborn stage and I acknowledge its likely that once hes crawling my preferences my change again and then again once hes walking!
i've only just started buying cloth nappies and the only reasons is the landfill thing and the fact that they are pretty! lol

my baby has NEVER once leaked in disposables, they never smell, i can never smell when he's pood or weed i need to check his nappy to find out. even in the morning after 12 hours it doesn't smell or leak!! i only use about 3 nappies a day and he's never had nappy rash! our council has a special bin for disposables and it's massive like the size of wheely recycling bins. it gets collected every week so we never smell any nappies!!

so i'm not defending disposables but it sort of annoys me when people go on about the smell or the leaking when some people don't find that with disposables at all!

however saying that i'm still switching to cloth..... mainly the landfill thing i can't stop thinking about it since finding out i'm pregnant! double the nappies in a landfill :( no thanks!

also the scratchyness etc... i dont find disposables scratchy or rough at all of course cloth is so much nicer but i still don't think there is a problem with disposables in fact my boys nappies are quite soft on him! i do keep stroking my fluffy real nappies though lol xxx
They're super easy.

The reason it's taken me so long is that it seemed so difficult.

Now my Lo's older she'll fit into most of the nappies till potty training and it's SOOOO easy.

Also choosing them was MUCH easier than I expected. I got 4 (bamboozle stretch, bumgenius flip and V3 and a wonderoo) and I expected to not get along with htme but really the only things that I don't like is the bulkiness of the wonderoos (although they are the QUICKEST to dry out of these lot and hold a LOT of pee!) and the velcro on the V3 seems like it's not going to last for a few kids worth. Oh and the bamboozle take a little too long to dry so I'm going with the flip! :D with maybe some bamboozles thrown in too.

its SUPER easy. I have my bucket with lid and a mesh bag and you just stick it all in the wash (which is a waste at the mo as I only have four :blush: but am ordering tonight!)

I think MOST cloth nappies including squares are probably a lot easier and better fitting than I expected and last longer than I expected too! (3 hours at least!)
For me, it was the thought of the chemicals next to her bum that swayed me to use cloth. Once I started looking at all the different types, I got hooked because of how goddam pretty they are!

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