Thanks KCW81. I've had an internal scan and an HSG just this cycle but no-ones mentioned endo. I don't have any reason the think I do have it either, no pain at all with AF really to speak of. I just wish I would stop spotting. I have been since Monday and I don't expect AF to appear until tomorrow full flow. It drives me nuts. I have heard that some peeps use progesterone cream but I've also read you shouldn't self proscribe that. I just don't know if I should use it or not myself.
I asked the FS about it in December and she said not to worry, alot of woman spot before AF and still get pregnant. I've also been having acupuncture since January and it's never really changes things on that front either. I think I'll mention it again to the acupuncturist and see if she thinks I have a luteal defect or can do some work on me to try and reduce it.
Luckily I'm seeing the FS on 26/4, so hopefully we'll start some kind of treatment and I can also ask about the spotting again.