If he's in pain from reflux I guess your friend needs to visit his Dr again for reflux medication, if it's only throwing up, it takes some time to settle. There is no magical cure for it. Omar stopped the milk throwing up at aorund 7-8 months, & gagging & throwing up while eating soldis at around 9 months but we stil have bad days. She needs to hold him upright 30 mins after his feeds, massage his tummy with warm olive oil before his bedtime feed to ease the pain, swaddle if possible, elevate his cot while sleeping, tummy time helps in easing the pain but in involves lots of spitting & throwing up which is fine as it also reduces the pain.
Anti reflux/stay down formula really helps, but again it takes time & it still involves lots of throwing up. I feel your friend's pain, Omar was diagnosed with reflux at 6 weeks & it has been a stuggle with feeding since then. As long as he LO is adding weight, there is nothing to worry about when it comes to his health, he will grow out of it when he's older hun xxx