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Refusing milk?


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
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The last week or 10 days, giving Ryan milk has become a nightmare again.

He's only just taking about 20 oz of formula and that includes what I put into his solids. He will only take 2 - 3 ozs out of his bottle per feed and even this is a struggle!

He's recently cut 2 his first 2 teeth and I wonder whether it has anything to do with this? :shrug: Thing is, he is taking solids very willingly and takes anything I give him, but milk is just being rejected and there's only so much formula I can slip into his meals.

In terms of meals, I make them as balanced as possible, but I'm a little worried he is going to stop taking his milk all together. I've even eliminated his rice crackers at snack time to see if he will take more milk - but no joy!

We are seeing our lovely HV on Monday, but just wanted to ask if anyone else has had similar experiences with their LO?

Thanks a mill!
Munchy x
Apparently it's really common for babies to stop drinking milk so much as their teeth are coming though but be fine with solids, as the sucking action irritates their gums. Try putting a bit of teething gel on 20 mins before he has a bottle? Or if he'll drink his milk cold chill the bottles first x
Thanks Sam's mum - he took a full 6 ozs this evening! Tried both the gel and the cold bottle, but neither helped.

Hopefully it will pass when the teeth come through.
He's eating a mountain of solids at the mo - I mean really like a pig :rofl:
Glad he's eating lots at least! :D Great that he had more milk today - hope it gets better for you now x
kira is the same hun she wouldn't take her milk, the only way i can get her to have milk is to put it in her soilds, and all the hv told me to do was give her a bottle an hour before her soilds but it didn't work she is just not interested she just wants soilds.
Thanks Vicky! I spoke to our hv and she said it was ok since Ryan is getting quite a balanced diet and is doing fine weight wise and developmentally.
I'm just adding the formula to his solids since he often just won't take it!
I tell you, just when you think you have them sussed, they go and change on you! :rofl:
I'm having a little trouble with Jack too, not as bad as Ryan as he will take most of his bottles, but maybe one or two a day he will take about 2-3oz then grunt & arch his back as if he is in pain (even after winding), or just stop sucking & chew away at the teat:dohh: - I am thinking it is to do with his teething pain worsening as I can now feel a few bumps on his gums :cry:
20oz is fine hun, these babies do have a habit of keeping us on our toes :lol:
Thanks Mamafy! Based on what he is eating in terms of solids, HV has told me not to panic unless he's nearing 15 oz. We are still managing the 20 though which is great.

19lbs 4oz on Monday's weigh-in! He's becoming a chunky monkey :D

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