thanks hun, im not keeping a diary at the moment, just updating on here but it might be an idea anyway
so this morning
9.30 - 5oz SNS right / 2oz SNS left
11.30 - breast pump 10mins each side
1.30 - just about to 5oz SNS left / 2oz SNS right
3.30 - will BP 10mins each side
5.30 - will give 5oz SNS right / 2oz left
7.30 - BP 10mins each
9.30 - 5oz left / 2oz right
11.30 - BP 10mins each
1.30 - 5oz right / 2oz left
3.30 - BP 10mins each side
that sounds alright doesnt it? i must be stimulating it enough to get at least some milk, i just hope it works, ive asked paul to get me some drugs from the doctors where he is volunteering while were here, i hope he can get me some cos i am having to do this with no help really