It's not a church school or controlled or anything.
The way I found out was through the feedback notes on the recent newsletter for last academic year. Here's the comment, and what the head says in response:
"We would prefer for children not to pray before lunch every day." [I note and respect your view. I guess that once again we'd get a broad span of opinion on this, were there ever to be a ballot by mums and dads. Not that anyone's ever raised it before. A short
prayer before lunch is still said in most primary schools in Britain, as it has been for over a hundred years. ****** wouldn't 'go down the pan' if we stopped doing it, but I think that it encourages children to reflect on their good fortune in having a proper, nutritious meal each day. On balance I wouldn't want to scrap it unless there was compelling evidence that a majority of our parents were fiercely opposed to it.]"
I don't think my LO does at the moment, because he's in reception and starts lunch 10 mins earlier than even the other infants. I will ask him about it after half term though, as he'll start with the other infants then.
I wasn't awear this was the case at all.