My appointment went well. I absolutely love my new midwife. She has a masters in nursing, went through infertility problems when she was younger and has been practicing for over 44 years. I discussed my situation with her and she let me ask all the questions I wanted. It was the first time I heard anyone call the CPs "miscarriages". I knew they were early ones but never had someone else say out loud that I had three miscarriages. It hit home pretty hard.
I have to get blood work on CD 3 and CD 10 of my next cycle to check out my hormone and thyroid levels and to check for any blood clotting problems. I will also go in for a vaginal ultrasound during ovulation to check for follicles, rule out PCOS and check my uterine lining. DH will get a SA done, as well.
All in all, it will be around two months for me to have all the results and know what's going on. If everything is okay with all those tests, then I would do the immune testing. In the meantime, I'll be BDing away and hoping September is it!