Replies to comments/questions


Mum of 3 under 3
Apr 10, 2012
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Has anyone got any good replies to any of these comments? I'm getting tired of just smiling and nodding.

1) Wow, you're enormous!

2) Are you sure it isn't twins?

3) You'll have your hands full.

4) How long do you have left? (Me: over 6 weeks) Will you last that long? (Usually followed by either some premature birth story or sudden onset of labour story or both). - DD2 was born at 42 weeks.
I had it since 22 weeks!!!! I'm now 40+5! It's so annoying!!! I just tended to make sarcastic comments. Not much help I'm sorry, but you're not alone!!! Xx
When I was 20 something weeks ppl at work were like r u sure there's only one?!? Ugh u never seen a healthy pregnant lady before!! Annoying
People don't realize how truly rude telling premature birth stories is. With twins I've gotten them a lot, and it's a great fear of mine. They seem to think that reassuring you that you have less time to wait is a friendly act... wishing a tiny sick baby on anyone is horrible.
Has anyone got any good replies to any of these comments? I'm getting tired of just smiling and nodding.

1) Wow, you're enormous!

2) Are you sure it isn't twins?

3) You'll have your hands full.

4) How long do you have left? (Me: over 6 weeks) Will you last that long? (Usually followed by either some premature birth story or sudden onset of labour story or both). - DD2 was born at 42 weeks.

To question 1: Am I? I never noticed!:winkwink:

To question 2 : Yeah I'm sure it's not twins, last time we checked it was triplets!:haha:

To question 3 : Will I? I thought all I had to do was dump baby in a pram and ignore it?!:blush:

To question 4 : Hopefully! But baby will come when they are ready and there's not much I can do about!:thumbup:

Some folk are just annoying:growlmad: I'm 9 days over and I keep getting are you still here? Emm I'm standing in front of you with a massive bump, what do you think?:wacko:
If anyone asks if I'm sure it's not twins etc, then I will lose my sh*t with them. Not only is it incredibly rude, but I lost my baby's twin at 10wks. I can guarantee they'll think before asking that again!!

As for the other comments, most people just want to know when I'm due.. Which is fine, I tell them :) I hate how forgetful people are though! Why have you asked me 4 times? I'm the one with pregnancy brain!

As for stories of babies being premature.. My Mum actually keeps telling people my baby is coming in the second week of September! I called her out on it the other day & she got funny about it, saying sorry I didn't know I wasn't allowed to talk about it. I said you're allowed to talk about the baby, just stop spreading blatant lies! I think she's hoping he comes early as we're having to have work done on our house & stay with them for a few weeks. How sick is that though?! I've made it clear to her that when baby arrives, DH want a week to ourselves with no visitors, so I think that by hoping he comes early then she'll definitely get to see him. What she's not considering is that if he's premature, he'll be in hospital for a while & then when he comes home, we'll definitely not have visitors!! ARGH

Sorry, that turned into a bit of a rant :haha: It really bothered me!

I say have a few funny, sarcastic comments at the ready for the idiots! I had a few comments around 20wks when people were telling me to make the most of my sleep now. I have SPD & have for a while now, so sleep isn't exactly easy right now! Plus, I will still throwing up several times a day. I looked her square in the eyes & said well, as long as the sleep deprivation doesn't come with vomiting every day, then I'll be happy! :haha: She never said anything after that.
I always just laugh and say "i hope so..." To "are you sure there is only one?" I don't take offence, my bump is huge, and I know it is..... People just want to talk to you, new life is exciting, don't get cross xxx
I think it depends on where you're at, when I lived in ca, I got all kinds of comments with my second dd, including the dreaded "are you sure it's not twins?" at around 25 weeks! It didn't bother me much then but now that I think about it, it's quite rude! I'm very short in stature and so when I'm pregnant even though the most I've ever gained is 5 lbs, I feel like my baby has no where to go except out lol! Dh and I actually love my big bump but a stranger saying some of the things they say can be a little out of bounds. I usually just smile and nod ;)
How about:

1) Wow, you're enormous!
I was thinking the same about you..

2) Are you sure it isn't twins?
No I think it's quads / an octopus

3) You'll have your hands full.
It's ok I'm just going to leave him in the cupboard / I intend to go natural and allow him to be brought up by the dog...

4) How long do you have left? (Me: over 6 weeks)
Until what? / oh about 6 months

Will you last that long? (Usually followed by either some premature birth story or sudden onset of labour story or both). - DD2 was born at 42 weeks.
*looks pained* actually it could be coming right now....excuse me I'm going to the bathroom to deliver...

People open their mouths and stupidity just pours out doesn't it!
Nobody has actually asked me if it's twins. They just look at me in horror and detour 3 feet around me as if they are afraid I will burst.
People don't realize how truly rude telling premature birth stories is. With twins I've gotten them a lot, and it's a great fear of mine. They seem to think that reassuring you that you have less time to wait is a friendly act... wishing a tiny sick baby on anyone is horrible.

I agree, we're going on holiday on Saturday and many people seem to think it is OK to suggest that I will have the baby whilst there for the week. I'm only 33 weeks so it's highly unlikely, but also baby would be quite premature.

FIL told us a lovely story about a women having her baby in a car on the motorway. Yeah, thanks for that.
If anyone asks if I'm sure it's not twins etc, then I will lose my sh*t with them. Not only is it incredibly rude, but I lost my baby's twin at 10wks. I can guarantee they'll think before asking that again!!

As for the other comments, most people just want to know when I'm due.. Which is fine, I tell them :) I hate how forgetful people are though! Why have you asked me 4 times? I'm the one with pregnancy brain!

As for stories of babies being premature.. My Mum actually keeps telling people my baby is coming in the second week of September! I called her out on it the other day & she got funny about it, saying sorry I didn't know I wasn't allowed to talk about it. I said you're allowed to talk about the baby, just stop spreading blatant lies! I think she's hoping he comes early as we're having to have work done on our house & stay with them for a few weeks. How sick is that though?! I've made it clear to her that when baby arrives, DH want a week to ourselves with no visitors, so I think that by hoping he comes early then she'll definitely get to see him. What she's not considering is that if he's premature, he'll be in hospital for a while & then when he comes home, we'll definitely not have visitors!! ARGH

Sorry, that turned into a bit of a rant :haha: It really bothered me!

I say have a few funny, sarcastic comments at the ready for the idiots! I had a few comments around 20wks when people were telling me to make the most of my sleep now. I have SPD & have for a while now, so sleep isn't exactly easy right now! Plus, I will still throwing up several times a day. I looked her square in the eyes & said well, as long as the sleep deprivation doesn't come with vomiting every day, then I'll be happy! :haha: She never said anything after that.

Yes, people do ask about twins as if it were a bit of a joke. You have every right to be upset if they ask you that.

I keep getting asked my due date too, and wish I hadn't replied as they look horrified and explain that they thought I was much further along than that.

Every birthday my MIL asks me my age, not sure how to respond next year - that is getting tiresome too.
I always just laugh and say "i hope so..." To "are you sure there is only one?" I don't take offence, my bump is huge, and I know it is..... People just want to talk to you, new life is exciting, don't get cross xxx

People just want to say something and they think it's funny and don't think they are causing me any offence. I've been so tolerant so far, but I do find some comments rude tbh.
How about:

1) Wow, you're enormous!
I was thinking the same about you..

2) Are you sure it isn't twins?
No I think it's quads / an octopus

3) You'll have your hands full.
It's ok I'm just going to leave him in the cupboard / I intend to go natural and allow him to be brought up by the dog...

4) How long do you have left? (Me: over 6 weeks)
Until what? / oh about 6 months

Will you last that long? (Usually followed by either some premature birth story or sudden onset of labour story or both). - DD2 was born at 42 weeks.
*looks pained* actually it could be coming right now....excuse me I'm going to the bathroom to deliver...

People open their mouths and stupidity just pours out doesn't it!

Yes, might actually lose my patience with that first comment and might try your first reply and see how that goes down. Actually might give the number 4 response a go too, lol.
Thanks for all the ideas ladies. Good to know I'm not alone.
Here's some good ones :wiinkwink:

"You're huge!"

I know!! It's like I'm growing a whole baby or something!

Holy shit, you too!

I don't know why either, all I consume these days is cocaine and Diet Sprite. Weird, eh?

"Don't you know what cause that?"

Public pools, right?

Yes, fucking.

Why are you asking? Can't you remember?

"How many more babies are you going to have?"

Somewhere between one and 47.

It depends on how many we sell.

We plan to keep going until we have an ugly one.

"You're not going to find out the sex? But don't you want to know? It would... drive me crazy!"

Well, that's a short drive anyway, isn't it?

It wouldn't matter anyway because we're naming it Thermos the Third whether it's a boy OR a girl.

I'm kind of hoping it's neither and it's just gas.

‎"Should you be eating that?"

Well, seeing as you're already eating your foot, I figured I may as well eat this.

No, I should be eating lots of it.

Why, because you think it's as dangerous as asking me that question?
And more...

"Feeling fat yet?"

Whoa, I was just going to ask you the same thing. How weird is that?!

That's right. Feelin' phat with a "ph", Hooker.

You feelin' lucky, Punk?

“You still haven’t had that baby yet?”

I'm trying to hold it in so I can finish a novel I'm working on.

Oh, I had it, I just left it in the car today.


Don’t worry; you will know when your husband starts paying child support.

I had it yesterday but I'm trying to shoplift this basketball so could you bugger off?

"You better sleep now because once that baby gets here..."

Why!? Don't they sleep?! Next you'll tell me they poop too.

(lower your voice then say) Actually, I don't sleep now. I just sneak into your bedroom and watch you sleep. You sleep like an angel. My secret, dirty, little angel.

Sleep is for pussies and ugly people.

"Was this an accident?"

Were you?

As much of an accident as if I fired out and punched you in the face right now.

Yes! I tripped and fell on a dick.

"You're so small!"

A really heavy person said that to me yesterday too. I guess it's all relative.

I had my internal organs removed so I wouldn't have to buy bigger pants.

I know. I can still deliver a clean roundhouse to someone's face. Isn't that great?
Are you sure you're not having twins?! You're so big!

Shhh, it's actually a litter of puppies but don't tell anyone yet.

No, I actually have a condition called "Ur-a-dick". Google it. It's spelled the way it sounds.

Did you say "twins" or "violins"? Oh, okay I guess both sounded kind of stupid.

"Is the nursery ready?"

No, the baby isn't going to be staying with us.

Yep, the sock drawer is all ready to go!

Sort of, we're just waiting for the electric fencing to be installed.

"You must have wanted a girl/boy instead"

Actually, I was hoping for a kitten that could burp glitter.

Yes, I'm having a custom t-shirt made that says "I got pregnant and all I ended up with was this perfect baby boy/girl".

I'll just trade it for something else in the hospital.

"You're just hormonal."

Shall I tell your family that those were your final words?

"I was simply hormonal, your Honor. I didn't mean to stab him in the neck with a pencil."

I think you mean "ormornal". The "h" is silent when you're speaking in moron.

"How are you going to handle another one?!"

We're selling the oldest one on eBay.

Oh, it will be fine. I drink a little.

I just won't pick this one up when it cries. I figure that will free up a lot of my time.

How ya feeling? (with a head tilt).

I don't know, I'm still a little drunk.

Strangely violent today.

It's funny that you should ask that (then abruptly walk away).

"You should NOT be drinking caffeine." (or doing, eating, touching, etc. something else that's none of their damn business).

Oh my gosh, Th...ank YOU! Are you SURE? I had NO idea. My doctor said it was fine, thank god you are here to save me from-what is it exactly the caffeine will do?

The Voices say I can have caffeine. I don't fuck with the Voices.

Decaf make PREGNANT HULK SMASH!!!!!!!!

You shouldn't be wearing those jeans (etc.) but I didn't bring that to your attention.

This is the best I can do since kicking the methamphetamine habit.

It's not caffeine. It's doctor prescribed laxative tea because this pregnancy is making me so constipated I have hemorrhoids. Oh, sorry, was that too much information?

You're right, tequila is better.

Fuck off.
Has anyone got any good replies to any of these comments? I'm getting tired of just smiling and nodding.

1) Wow, you're enormous!

2) Are you sure it isn't twins?

3) You'll have your hands full.

4) How long do you have left? (Me: over 6 weeks) Will you last that long? (Usually followed by either some premature birth story or sudden onset of labour story or both). - DD2 was born at 42 weeks.

I don't deal well with stupid and have to really like the person to give a little back. Prefer to answer most minimally.

Number 1 is just rude, so I'd dish a little back.
1. Oh thanks, I'm guessing that was your best for a compliment?
2. smile, spin on heel, walk away
3. that's what they say
4. 6 weeks and can't wait. Preferably not. Each birth is different isn't it?
I don't know, these comments/questions never really bothered me that much because I felt huge. It's not like they're calling you fat, they aren't in your shoes so it's kind of their way of sympathizing with you. I always just joked along with them, I knew I was huge. Even my nurse asked if I was sure I wasn't having twins and I said, "I don't know, are you sure?!" And when someone asked when my due date was, I told her, and she said, "I don't think you're gonna make it!" and I said, "I sure hope not!" because that was the truth...and I didn't - my LO came a week early. Actually, I knew all along that I ovulated early so I knew I'd have her a week earlier than my due date.

I just think we control our own feelings and if you're in your 3rd trimester and you don't feel huge then good for you. I knew I was huge so others noticing that didn't seem like something worth taking offense to.

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