Mummy to 3 girlies!
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Has anyone had any dealings with this / got any knowledge on the subject? I'm pretty sure it's what's happening to me and Katie
I also think I need a bit of a rant over what's happened since she was born.
After delivering her, I had a managed third stage and the main midwife let the student midwife deliver the placenta. It didn't seem to be coming away easily and the student was yanking away at it until she eventually admitted she didn't know what she was doing and asked the main one to take over... I had a lot of bleeding after delivering, and kept passing big clots, the second night one came out that was bigger than my hand - I was also getting a lot of pains in my uterus and when I tried to get up to walk around I'd feel dizzy and find it hard to breathe. I kept reporting my symptoms to the midwifes but as my uterus was contracting normally (I'm now assuming only because I was bfing!) they told me it was "normal", which I found hard to believe as I didn't remember feeling that bad after DD1 and her birth was a LOT more difficult, Katie practically flew out!
Yesterday (tmi alert) I went to the loo and when I stood up I had a long piece of grey tissue hanging out of me - I freaked out, thinking I'd had a prolapse or something as it wouldn't come out, thankfully my community MW was due to come round and turned up 5 mins later (lucky she came round at all as the hospital midwifes hadn't bothered to tell them we were home, they only knew when we phoned to ask why they hadn't been round yet!). The midwife took a look and explained it was a placental lobe about 15cm in length and had to pull it out. She then got me an emergency appointment at the maternity unit as I've developed a severe uterine infection due to it being left behind, no wonder I've been feeling so crap
She kept appoligising saying an incidence form would be filed about it. The hospital put me on antibioctics and I think blood thinners to help with the clots, and I've got an ultrasound on monday to see if anything else has been left behind. I'm so glad I'm bfing otherwise it probably wouldn't have come out at all and the hospital MWs kept making me think I was making a big deal out of nothing 
Anyway, on to the BF issue. With DD1, I had no problems with milk supply at all - in fact I oversupplied big style. When my milk came in, I engorged as normal. This time round although my milks definately come in, my breasts have felt heavy but not rock solid at any point like they did the first time round. The mornings and night we don't seem to have a problem, she feeds and seems contented but she has to drain both breasts each time before this happens. But from about 6pm to 10pm she has to feed near constantly before she finally contents herself
She's a really quiet content baby, she doesn't even fuss over dirty nappies so it's heartbreaking seeing her get fussy for that length of time. She spits up quite a bit of milk, so I know she's getting some at least but obviously something isn't right? I've looked up retained placenta on the net and how it can cause lacation problems as your body doesn't fully recognise that it's not pregnant any more. Do you think this means there's still some left? Does anyone know how long it would take for my body to sort itself out once everything is gone? Hopefully after my ultrasound on Monday I'll get it sorted out if there is anything more there, but is it going to do her major damage in the meantime if she's not getting enough until after Monday and should I be supplimenting with formula in the meantime (something I REALLY don't want to do!!)?. Should I start expressing now and try her on bottles? It seems really early, and I don't want to cause nipple confusion.
I really don't want to give up solely BFing because of this, but I'm worried I'm doing her harm when she's obviously so unsettled in the evening.

After delivering her, I had a managed third stage and the main midwife let the student midwife deliver the placenta. It didn't seem to be coming away easily and the student was yanking away at it until she eventually admitted she didn't know what she was doing and asked the main one to take over... I had a lot of bleeding after delivering, and kept passing big clots, the second night one came out that was bigger than my hand - I was also getting a lot of pains in my uterus and when I tried to get up to walk around I'd feel dizzy and find it hard to breathe. I kept reporting my symptoms to the midwifes but as my uterus was contracting normally (I'm now assuming only because I was bfing!) they told me it was "normal", which I found hard to believe as I didn't remember feeling that bad after DD1 and her birth was a LOT more difficult, Katie practically flew out!
Yesterday (tmi alert) I went to the loo and when I stood up I had a long piece of grey tissue hanging out of me - I freaked out, thinking I'd had a prolapse or something as it wouldn't come out, thankfully my community MW was due to come round and turned up 5 mins later (lucky she came round at all as the hospital midwifes hadn't bothered to tell them we were home, they only knew when we phoned to ask why they hadn't been round yet!). The midwife took a look and explained it was a placental lobe about 15cm in length and had to pull it out. She then got me an emergency appointment at the maternity unit as I've developed a severe uterine infection due to it being left behind, no wonder I've been feeling so crap

Anyway, on to the BF issue. With DD1, I had no problems with milk supply at all - in fact I oversupplied big style. When my milk came in, I engorged as normal. This time round although my milks definately come in, my breasts have felt heavy but not rock solid at any point like they did the first time round. The mornings and night we don't seem to have a problem, she feeds and seems contented but she has to drain both breasts each time before this happens. But from about 6pm to 10pm she has to feed near constantly before she finally contents herself

I really don't want to give up solely BFing because of this, but I'm worried I'm doing her harm when she's obviously so unsettled in the evening.