I only have one LO and we have a pretty happy and healthy home life.
START CHART: With 'Please & Thank You', tidy up your things etc....At the end of the week if she has more smiley faces than sad faces then she gets a treat ie, Kids magazine, chocolate or whatever she chooses.
We have a routine of sorts school days and tend to be a little more relaxed and flexi of a weekend.
Mon-Fri; 7am wake up,make bed, breakfast at the table (NO TV), wash up breakfast things. Wash, brush teeth.
She can then either watch some TV, read or play.
Around 8.ish, she'll get dressed for school, we'll do her hair etc
Then drop off.
When she comes home; Change from uniform to regular clothes, have a snack, free play time until Dinner. Again when we have a meal it's around the table with No TV, clean up dishes, bath, relax and chill. Then bed.
It sounds very restricted and regimental but it's actually very natural and works well, she enjoys being given responsibility of helping with clearing up etc.
Hope that helps.