Has anyone heard any success stories about Royal Jelly/Bee Pollen? I've read lots of stuff about it boosting both male and female fertility. I've followed a long thread in a US forum called Fertility Forums. It's amazing but lots of the women in that thread developed really good follicles and some went on to have positive pregnancy tests after a long time TTC. They were mainly using IVF, but I'm trying for my first baby naturally at 41y, having had 3 miscarriages in total. We're going to the private fertility clinic to get a medical opinion but there's not been any particular problem identified as yet, my ovarian reserve is fine and OH sperm count ok too. My OH has cut back alcohol from 50u to 5u a day too. I seem to be ovulating as I have regular cycles of 26/27 days and have EWCM for 1-2 days, plus ovulation pain. I conceived really quickly previously, but it's now 10 months since my last miscarriage so I'm starting to panic, since 42 is looking round the corner! I'm thinking of ordering the Royal Jelly from The Vitamin Shoppe since it looks to be worth a try! Any thoughts?