

mumma with a new surprise
Jan 26, 2010
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so cam has been ill for the past week and a bit and on wednesday i started getting super stressed. he stopped eating, only taking 3ozs in 24hours, and he was projectile vomiting. called docs and couldnt get an appointment till the friday so i called nhs24. they had me take him to hosp straight away to be checked out. when we arrived we got bundled into a room. They stuck a sucker thing down his nose and took the sample away. when they came back they checked cams sats and it was 74 :( he got hooked upto oxygen and they said he had a virus called rsv. respiratory something virus lol we were barrier nursed and finally managed to get his feeding back under control, then his sats sorted themselves too. aparently the majority of children get this before they are 2 but it can affect kids that were premature or sick a lot more. just wanted to let you all now so that you all can be aware of it. we got home this evening :)

Aw wantabean, sorry to hear that, hope Cam is on the mend now?

RSV is one of the viruses that causes the common cold in adults but in little ones esp preemies it can cause bronchilitis. Thats what the RSV vaccine we have all been going for is to try and prevent but unfortunately not always successful.

Glad he is on the mend hun. I'm a student childrens nurse and i think we had 3 babies admitted with it last night. SATs only 74 that must have been scary for you. Suctioning isn't nice either :hugs: It is a common infection in babies during winter. Although my sin never had it. So glad he is getting better :hugs: xx
Yes that`s why they recommend our little guys stay away from crowds and other small children. Preemies will typically end up hospitalized for a few days if they catch it :( Vincent is receiving the RSV vaccine every month (synagis) but even that only lowers RSV infections by oh 60%

(the synagis vaccine is very expensive - without wanting to start a debate, I`m SO glad healthcare is free here)
My lo has been kept in a bubble since end nov when the snow started. I have not taken her into any shops in the hope we avoid RSV this winter. Roll on April as it's a real pain not being able to go to the shops although better on the bank balance :thumbup:

Glad he is back home and on the mend.
i had no idea such a thing existed! never heard of it before and certainly didnt know about a vaccine for it. think hv should make all mummas aware that this is there. he is doing much better now :) still a bit stuffy though

cheers guys :)

glad he is better now, we get the rsv vac ever month over here, and i still stay indoors till the season is over in May
The vaccine is very expensive. I know children with compromised immune systems are offered it. I.e. Premature babies, children will certain conditions etc. The reason it is only offered to them is because generally a 'healthy' baby born at term should be able to fight it off. A usually well baby will get worse before they get better. But if managed well and caught early more often than not they recover. So ladies try not to worry, it's an illness that will make them unwell and may be admitted to hospital but it can be treated quickly and effectively. But ladies whose babies were premature or have certain conditions that affect the immune system then I would advise you to talk to your hv. As their immune system is already weakend :) x
Wantabean it wasnt organised through the HV, it was organised and given by staff at the Neonatal Unit, were you not organised an appointment for it?

All the other LO's that were in at the same time as us have been getting it monthly since being discharged. Did you not meet Dasy at the last clinic?
I think there are guidelines on who can have it, and they might vary from trust to trust (in England certainly). Jamie didn't get it as he didn't fit the criteria, although at his last check up his consultant decided to put him on the list for the final jab of the season as he thought his cough sounded like he'd already had bronchiolitis. I'm not sure what criteria they do use to decide at the hospital Jamie was in, but I think its probably partly to do with how much support their respiratory centres have needed. Jamie was only on the vent for around 6 hours and came off cpap quite soon too.
Fortunately even though I knew he had got rsv he didn't seem to be so ill that I thought he should be in hospital. His older brother who was born at term spent a week in hospital with bronchiolitis so we had a benchmark to follow.
Glad Cam is on the mend it would have been very scary.
Wantabean it wasnt organised through the HV, it was organised and given by staff at the Neonatal Unit, were you not organised an appointment for it?

All the other LO's that were in at the same time as us have been getting it monthly since being discharged. Did you not meet Dasy at the last clinic?

Yeah Wantabean you did see me at the clinic lol Although i dunno if you were there for RSV vaccine right enough. That's the clinic finished now for the season :( Glad Cameron is on the mend though. Poor wee scone. :hugs:
was that the first time i seen you? no1 mentioned any vaccines. i was there coz camerons consultant wanted to check on him, how he was develpoing and make sure he wasnt having any more seizures. i wish they had said, i would have had him vaccined. he is still not feeling good so im up to high dough lol xx
hi wanabean, sorry to here that cam has been poorly.

Harry has the rsv jsb (24 weeker and oxygen dependent for 6months) and each time he comes down with broncilitis(sic) and on his december one he tested postive for the rsv strain. He managed to not need any oxygen and ust inhalers, he is on them now, and the doctors have told us that he will most likely suffer with asthma (but to be honest, itf thats all he is going to have wrong with him frommbeing so prem, i cant moan)

They told us one of the reason that harry managed to fight off the rsv was because we were always out and about getting fresh air and of course, having the jab, helped him as well.

I think our little bubba's will catch bits like this but they have already proven to be such little fighters that they wil get over bits like these x
Both my twins have had rsv and bronchiolitis for just over a week now. Luckily only one needed hospital treatment and oxygen, but i have honestly never seen a child as I'll as he was. He is still not managing to drink his bottles, today he has had a grand total of 2.5oz.

I am furious that due to funding my babies couldn't have the vaccine. I'd have though 23 weekers who were oxygen dependant for four and six months would qualify, but they didn't.

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