Running out of ideas?


Jayden and Macie-Leigh xx
Dec 26, 2007
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As you all know about my niece (2 in November) being jealous of Jayden and she began hitting him and shouting at him well anyways she began getting used to him being here and started enjoying him by cuddling him and constantly asking 'where's Jayden?' but now she has been in ours for the last week and the last few days she has started hitting him again so she has been put on the 'naughty step' but today it went TOO far and Jayden has been unwell so took me two hours!! getting him settled after his bottle so puts him down to go do his bottles and next minute Jayden is screaming at the top of his lungs!! sop i runs in and me mum is cuddling him + rocking him and sky is hiding laughing so i tried seeing what she done to him and then i saw blood by his nose so looked closer and there was bite marks!!!! :hissy: so i smacked her leg, not hard but so she knew it was wrong, very very wrong! but she laughed and ran away!

what do i do girls .. am scared she will try something more serious because of the jealousy :cry: xxx
Things i have tried:
- smacking her lightly on the leg or hand
- shouting at her
- letting her help me play with Jayden or feed him
- telling her to be nice and not hit him
- putting her on the 'naughty step'
- not letting her come down
- threatening to move out

what else can i do!! :cry:
Omg Rach this is awful

I really don't know what to suggest as you seem to have done everything!

Only thing I can say is when she's there it looks like someone will have to keep a constant watch on her when she's near J

Omg Rach this is awful

I really don't know what to suggest as you seem to have done everything!

Only thing I can say is when she's there it looks like someone will have to keep a constant watch on her when she's near J


thats just it she is soo sneakkyy .. she goes to play with him so you think ye shes ok and as soon as your backs turned he screams! but ye i usually don't put him down when shes here but then he gets so clingy when shes gone and i get f*** all done :( xx
Omg Rach this is awful

I really don't know what to suggest as you seem to have done everything!

Only thing I can say is when she's there it looks like someone will have to keep a constant watch on her when she's near J


thats just it she is soo sneakkyy .. she goes to play with him so you think ye shes ok and as soon as your backs turned he screams! but ye i usually don't put him down when shes here but then he gets so clingy when shes gone and i get f*** all done :( xx

Yeh it's certainly not ideal to be constantly holding him. I find that with Maya, if I have a few hours where for whatever reason i'm holding her alot then she'll want to be held all bloody day, even for a nap!!

I really really hope your niece learns soon, it cant be nice seeing little J being hurt!

Oh thats so horrible!
I know its not really the same but when my gran got her puppy (he's only a tiny little thing) my cousin was jelous that the pup was getting her attention, put a cushion on the dog and sat on the poor thing, we only knew because we heard the dog crying and basically screaming, but now the dogss 5 and has arthritis because of it, kids can be cruel when theres someone 'replacing' them, maybe not literally, but in there eyes they are being replaced.

I dont really know what to suggest, youve done pretty much everything, all i can think of is to tell her that if she does anything to harm him in the slightest once more she is not allowed back and enforce it for afew days or so until she has got it.

Sorry im not much help, i hope it gets better though and i hope Jaydens alright!
Yeh it's certainly not ideal to be constantly holding him. I find that with Maya, if I have a few hours where for whatever reason i'm holding her alot then she'll want to be held all bloody day, even for a nap!!

I really really hope your niece learns soon, it cant be nice seeing little J being hurt!


i know :( especially when hes sick and he is already in pain, my poor babii :cry: just sick of constantly telling her its wrong to hit him i wish she would just get the picture that he ain't going any were and be nice! i know she is still literally a baby herself but she is told and told but don't listen :( x
Oh dear. I dont really know what to say, most children go through this is think and its just a phase that will pass. Although its annoying just keep telling her off and being firm so she never for one minute thinks its ok. This has got me thinking about what Ella is going to be like with Abby, as Abby is due in 3 weeks and Ella is 2 in december. So roughly same age. xx
hun does your mum do the same as well as your neices mum???? the only thing i can think off is that she is not getting it cos only one person is doing it and not the rest of the family doing the same???

I hope that makes sence.
Oh boy...what about her parents? Do they punish her when she does this?
It seems to me that the naughty step and light smacking isn't working for her and she could really hurt him!
I don't know what to suggest in terms of disciplining her I can only advise you keep her away from him as much as possible...
Sounds to me as if she's getting attention for her behaviour and loving it. I'd go the other way and actually put her out the room and completly ignore her (and get everyone else to as well) for a good few minutes, no eye contact - nothing. She may be only 2 but she still knows it's wrong, she's doing it for the reaction. I'd also make it a condition of her being there that if she can't behave she doesn't get to interact in any way with the baby, including playing. If she goes near the baby, remove him. Maybe get a sling or a carrier so you can hold him and still get stuff done.
OMG this is horrible! I'm sorry I haven't got any suggestions. Good luck though.:(:hugs:
Sounds to me as if she's getting attention for her behaviour and loving it. I'd go the other way and actually put her out the room and completly ignore her (and get everyone else to as well) for a good few minutes, no eye contact - nothing. She may be only 2 but she still knows it's wrong, she's doing it for the reaction. I'd also make it a condition of her being there that if she can't behave she doesn't get to interact in any way with the baby, including playing. If she goes near the baby, remove him. Maybe get a sling or a carrier so you can hold him and still get stuff done.

I would probably try this. Maybe get a baby gate and put her behind it away from him when she is mean. Nobody go in that room with her or show her any attention.
She got sent home today because of the way she was acting with Jayden and will most probably be back down next weekend so will try the baby gate thing, firstly i shall buy one lol. an thanks for asking girls, j is doing fine got little bite marks on his nose but he is as cheerful as ever xx
sorry i got no idear
but just wanted to send:hug: for little one
Whatever you do telling her off never works , trust me .. carly plays with ella quite roughly and from day 1 of ella being born she still hasnt listened to this day seems nothing wors apart from eyes always watching them
thats horrible hun :hugs:. What does her mum say about her behaviour??
because she doesn't see it, she don't believe it x

i really don't know what to suggest to do then hunni. But like the other women said it sounds like she is trying to get attention and she doesn't care if that attention is good or bad. Big hugs to you and jayden hun :hug:. I hope you get it sorted out soon
because she doesn't see it, she don't believe it x

i really don't know what to suggest to do then hunni. But like the other women said it sounds like she is trying to get attention and she doesn't care if that attention is good or bad. Big hugs to you and jayden hun :hug:. I hope you get it sorted out soon

Your mum should believe you.

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