Rupert Caleb's birth story :) (LONG!!)


2 boys, 1 girl in bump!
Aug 17, 2009
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Well my waters broke on 24th November, at about 11am and started leaking all through the day, I wasn't sure it was them at first but by 6pm I was sure so rang hospital and they told me to bring pads from throughout the day to show. They confirmed it was my waters and checked me and baby over and asked us to come back at 3pm the next day to then get checked again, so we did and I was given an induction date/time of the 26th November at 3pm if nothing had started by itself then.

We left hospital just after 4pm, and had a show when I got home, my partner and I decided to go for a last meal out alone at about half 5 and I started getting pains on the way there, by 6pm we'd ordered and were waiting for our meal and the contractions were painful (and all in my back!!!!) and lasted about 30 secs and happened every 10 mins or so, the speed that it'd started made me think it'd be a quickish labour, probably 8-10 hours (how wrong I was!!) so after we finished our meal, I sent my OH to goto his to sleep as we were probably in for an early morning hospital dash and I took some paracetamol and sat bouncing on my birthing ball until about 10pm when the paracetamol kicked in and took the edge off things so I decided to go try sleep, but lying down hurt more so got up about an hour later, went on laptop downstairs and bounced on ball for a couple of hours, walking through contractions, by 2am I started timing them and they were between 4-5 mins apart and lasting 30-40 secs, by half 2 I got my mum up (both her and OH were birthing partners) and she helped me time them and they began to get between 2-3 mins apart and lasting 40-50 secs, I then rang the hospital who told me to go in and my OH and he came and got us and we got to hospital about 3am.

The pains had annoyingly, sort of subsided again and I got checked and told I was only 1-2cm dilated but wanted me to stay as waters had already broken 36 hours before so they sent my mum and OH home and me to a pre-natal ward. The pains came and got increasingly worse and nothing really eased them, I buzzed and asked the midwife who responded for pain relief which she said ok to but never arrived with any. The ward was rubbish and I was ignored the second time I buzzed about 2 hours later and by 10am when my partner was allowed on the ward again, I was crying my eyes out as no one had come to check on me like the other 4 girls on the ward had been and my buzzer seemed to be being ignored and the pain was the worst thing I had ever felt, so my OH stormed over to the midwife station-y bit and politely demanded they check me and give me some form of pain relief as they'd earlier promised so they checked me and found I was 4cm and established but as the labour ward was too busy, I'd have to stay on the pre-natal ward and they gave me co-codamol and told me if it didn't help, in an hour I could have an injection which I've forgot what it was called but something beginning with m and is like a lesser form of pethidine.

My mum arrived by this point and by 11:15am I was given the m injection thing alongside the anti-sickness injection as it makes most people sick without it, and the relief was very nice as it made me feel a little giddy and like I wasn't so bothered by the pain, however the anti-sickness injection didn't work so it caused me to throw up, however I didn't mind as the pain relief was all I cared about. OH and my mum had to go over lunch time and then came back after, about 2pm, by which point I was in agony again and was told by midwives that I could have another m injection at 3:15pm (4 hours after the first) so got that again but this time it didn't work nearly aswell but the midwives told me to grin and bear it and checked me again to find I was still only 4cm and there was still no space on the labour ward.

They let my OH and my mum stay despite it not being visitor hours as I was established and didn't want them to leave, and if I was on the labour ward, they'd have been allowed to stay anyway. By about 7pm I was in more pain than I thought possible especially as I laboured in my back throughtout and only really ever felt twinges in my front and a really nice student midwife got a doctor to sign off pethidine so I could have it on the pre-natal ward which is rarely allowed and it was amazing! The pain seemed to disappear and made me sleepy but I was more able to chat than I had in ages and was doing crosswords with my mum and when she helped me to the toilet, it made me a little dizzy and I very nearly confued the bidet with the toilet! :blush: I was checked again and was about 5cm, and they said I could move over to labour ward about 10pm, I then had a mini sort of fit about 9pm due to not being able to keep food or water down since the early hours of the morning and not having slept in over a day, I was given fluids through an IV and they finally pushed it through so I could moveover to the labour ward but first was taken to a side room as I was scaring the other patients :haha:

I then got my OH to hold a cold damp flannel against my back with every contraction as my back and spine hurt sooo much by this point, then finally shipped over to the labour ward about 11pm where I got gas and air and synctocin to speed up my contractions and once I had a quick lesson on using the gas and air, I fell in love with it, it gets kinda blurry after that but I remember shouting "HEDWIG!" loudly at one point cos I'd just remembered the new Harry Potter film I'd just seen and suddenly NEEDED to tell my mum all about it, it was great made me feel quick drunk and and giggly. About 3am the contractions were so close together I could barely take a breath before needing the gas and air again and my teeth and mouth were turning black from it and I was being sick black water too and I was very white so the midwife said she'd try get the anaethesist to give me an epidural but she couldn't promise anything to which I replied "Tell him I'll pay him!!!" :dohh:

Then he finally got round and set everything up at which point I decided I REALLY needed the toilet and refused to use the bedpan again as it hurt my back too much to use and I wouldn't let a catheter near me, the midwife and anaethetist begged my OH to get me to change my mind but I wouldn't and even though they told me it wasn't me needing a wee, it was the pressure from the baby, I was adamant I was going to the toilet which although a 2m walk from the room I was in, took ages as I had to stop with each contraction and refused to use a wheelchair as it hurt my back more to put pressure on it from sitting down and when I finally got there, as the midwife predicted, I couldn't wee and it was the pressure so I should have listened whooops :blush:

Finally got back to the room and the epidural was put in, which took forever as I couldn't keep still so my OH had to pretty much pin me bent over so the anaethetist could get to my back and do his job. And after it was done, they gave me a button to top it up which let me press it 6 times an hour however I must have been confused as I only thought I could push it once an hour so I could still feel my pelvis and back slightly which was achey more than painful :wacko: they then checked me and found I was 7cm and I was hooked up to continous monitoring which said when my contractions came on and how strong they were.

About an hour later I was chatting rubbish and annoying everyone as I insisted on listening to christmas cd that I brought with me so my midwife then said "Staci, press the button 3 times" and I was like "Errr ok" so did and fell asleep for several hours, it was a trick to make me shut up :haha:

When I woke up about 7:30am, the midwives had changed over so was introduced to her and she then whacked up my synctocin as contractions had slowed down again, and after being checked was told I was 9cm and about 2 hours later they took the button off me so the epidural would wear off so I'd feel the need to push, and everything got more painful again and my OH was told when I needed to push, to gently guide my head forward onto my chest once I'd taken a deep breath, however he got too excited and kept forcing my head forward before my breath so I couldn't push properly and also kept telling me to think of all the pancakes and noodles I could eat as my morning sickness would be over :haha:

I was pushing for awhile and after every one my OH kept asking "is he crowning yet?!" and with every "no" from the midwife it kept getting me down so after the 5th time I shouted at him that I'd bloody tell him when the crowning began cos I could feel everything now.

The midwife got me to feel as he started crowning and for some reason I went "ewww" :blush:

Eventually after 41 hours of contracting labour, 72 hours after my waters broken, on November 27th at 11:17am, Rupert Caleb was born. :cloud9:

He was put on my stomach, my OH cut the cord and I was given the injection to speed the placenta up, however unknown to me, I was pouring out blood, so Rupert was suddenly taken from me given to my OH, my mum was rushed out the room as she can't stand blood and nearly fainted, an oxygen mask was put on my face and suddenly 3 doctors came in and started talking in hushed tones and fiddling with me, not really sure what happened but although I had no tearing, they put 2 stitches in as they thought the blood was coming from a vein just inside me.

I lost 2 litres of blood in all and although after that they let me be with Rupert and took me to a ward, later that night I had 2 blood transfusions.

All went well but on day 3, the day I was due to be released, I asked for help with breast feeding and they suddenly swooped in, decided there was something wrong with Ru, and took him to special care where he stayed for 3 days, before they found he was fine and there was nothing wrong with him. Luckily cos I sobbed my heart out at him being taken to special care after everything, they let my OH stay with me in the family room until we were released on day 6.

We've later found out that it was cos they thought he was too cold, which was the hospitals fault as the window I was next to was stuck slightly ajar and wouldn't close and the temperatures went down to -13'C at night and the radiator was broken and despite the fact I'd dressed him in all I could and given him 3 blankets, it made him cold and he was taken away from me which was very traumatic in the end and as we'd only started to bond in the first few days, it upset that and unfortunately that combined with the baby blues have made it hard for us, we're doing ok now, and forming the bond slowly but after it all, I'm very doubtful that I'll have any more children.

I'm just grateful to have Rupert as he is gorgeous :cloud9: and my OH has been amazing throughout it all.

Sorry this was long and went on further than birth but that's our story until now, but thank you for reading. :flower:
wow! quite an experience then haha, im sure it was all worth it though and you would do it a thousand times over :)
Thank you so much for sharing hun... sorry you had a long labour but as you said you have your little boy now so I am sure it all seems worth it :flower:

Take care x x x
you are so brave! congratulations on your little boy :) xx
Wow, well done on coping with all of that.Congratulations on your new arrival xx
sounds traumatic but congrats on your son,love the name :) x
Congratulations :) I really enjoyed reading about your experience, by that I mean thank you for sharing! Sorry it was traumatic for you but you have your boy now and you don't have to ever go through that again if you don't want to ;) best of luck and take care x x x
Congratulations, sounds awful!! I am so glad you are both ok now though. Rest up as much as you can, take care xx
Congratulations! Love his name!

Think your M injection may have been meptid?

x x x

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