Anyone else with me on this? It's like nostalgia. Sad that I'll never experience being pregnant with my first baby again. And all those Halley times of all three of mine growing up are just becoming memories. I often have these moments of feeling sad that one day they'll grow up and leave home but the last week or so it's consumed me. Ds2 is almost three already and dd will be one soon! It's all gone so fast because it's been tough at times but I'm sure I look back at it all with rose tinted glasses! Cause it wasn't all that amazing when I was struggling and knackered but when I look back I'm like ahhhh I wish he was that little again and what's going to happen when he doesn't want to cuddle me anymore or worse when he doesn't call me at all because he's married with his own life. It all goes so fast it'll be no time before this happens. Anyone else? Am I just normal lol?