Hun, i just want to let you know, that even if you do have problems, its not so bad if you just believe in yourself and remind yourself that it will get better.
Im someone that i guess could be classed as a "horror" story, but i honestly dont feel its that bad. Both my nipples have cracked to the point of bleeding in the last 3 weeks. My bub threw up blood last week from it (freaked me out for a minute til i realised that it was just my blood, not his). But honestly, its not so bad. Yea it hurt the day it happened, but not that much! And even by the next feed it had started to heal.
Ive invested in a good quality hand pump and some nipple shields to give my nipples a break - I pump a little before each feed, which helps draw the nipple out so its better placed in my babies mouth. It also means he doesnt have to suck so hard in the beginning to get my milk to let down. This, plus using the nipple shields for a few days has given me time to heal.
Now were using nipple shields every second or third feed and this is working well for us!
Good luck! Just do what is right for you!