Scarey weather up here!!!


6 losses, mum to 1
Sep 14, 2006
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OMG, have had the night from hell......... garage collapsed in the high wind and DHs pride and joy(1969 classic car hes spent 20 years rebuilding) is a right insurance job......we've got broken glass, pots you name it.its years since we've had a storm like it, really frightening......winds gone now but rain getting heavier again so i guess we'll have more flooding later!!(just up the road they are under 5ft of water) ASR are still out looking for missing fishermen too......its moments like this that you realise just whos in charge, us or mother nature!!!
awww u poor thing, it was windy here 2 but not that windy!!! mind u i nvr went out cos o it lol!!ur poor dh :(
Aw I bet OH is gutted.

Perfect weather to stay in snuggled up with fire and video on. :hugs:
wow thats scary weather def...hope it calms down a bit for you!!! also sorry for your oh's car!!!! :hugs:
I saw on the news!!!
Im so glad i live on top of a hill, the weather was really bad yesterday, i stayed in all day!

oo not nice, hope it eases off for you soon

:hugs: hope things settle for you.
oh no that sounds auful! bet your OH is absolutlery gutted! hope the weather gets better for you soon xx
hey muffin u got anything sorted yet xx
muffin said:
OMG, have had the night from hell......... garage collapsed in the high wind and DHs pride and joy(1969 classic car hes spent 20 years rebuilding) is a right insurance job......we've got broken glass, pots you name it.its years since we've had a storm like it, really frightening......winds gone now but rain getting heavier again so i guess we'll have more flooding later!!(just up the road they are under 5ft of water) ASR are still out looking for missing fishermen too......its moments like this that you realise just whos in charge, us or mother nature!!!

Bloody hell awful :hugs:

I am glad you are OK tho, sorry to hear about your stuff!

But totally agree, it sure does show you who's boss at times like that! x
OMG !!!!

Your poor OH, hope everything sorts it's self out hunni!!

Hey yvanne im up your way in 4 weeks :D please pray for snow !!!!
garage fixed, insurance claim in for car damage!! has stopped raining, snow due tuesday!!!! getting those thermals out now!!!!!!!!!!

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