Second baby - when did you feel anything?


Where's the Stork?
Sep 11, 2012
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Hi girls,

For those of you on the second time around, when did you start feeling movements? Around 13/14 weeks I kind of felt some tapping type things (def not gas) and i assumed those would get stronger but I still can't really feel anything. Now and again I can feel a tap here and there but it's easy to miss and to be honest doesn't feel any stronger than it did at 13 weeks. Plus it happens so infrequently, maybe once or twice a day, and some days nothing.

When did you ladies start feeling definite movements, I'm sure first time around I had started feeling things by this time...
I felt those little pokes about 14 weeks. They kinda settled down and at 17 weeks they were more like kicks. Then last night at 18 they were full on kicks with even a little outside movement.
This happened to me exactly. I started feeling taps around 15-16 weeks and I thought, for sure this time next week they'll be big kicks! Because when I first felt my son at 18 weeks, by a week later they were big, proper movements. Well those taps didn't seem to progress for like a whole month after that! Which was really frustrating and worrying. Then around 19 weeks they suddenly morphed into proper kicks I could feel from the outside, and by 20 weeks I was filming movements visible through my belly.
I actually read (with all my panicked googling) that although they say you feel movements earlier with second+ pregnancies, you actually won't necessarily feel them as strongly, because your uterus is slightly bigger/looser and therefore baby has more space to stretch out a limb without really jabbing you hard. But they will come. I was you a few weeks ago and now I'm getting pummelled on a daily basis (except the odd worrying quiet day..)
I am exactly the same. I was sure I was feeling something around 14/15 weeks. I am now 18 weeks & im not feeling anything. This is my third pregnancy and I expected to feel proper movements by now. It is really worrying me :(
I am exactly the same. I was sure I was feeling something around 14/15 weeks. I am now 18 weeks & im not feeling anything. This is my third pregnancy and I expected to feel proper movements by now. It is really worrying me :(

Hun in answer to the other thread it's possible you do have a retroverted uterus as this can also delay feeling movements. Plus they can get more pronounced (further back) with each pregnancy/childbirth so this might be the reason why. But by all accounts 18 weeks is still early. Despite what they say about feeling second/third babies earlier, they're no bigger or stronger at that stage than first babies. Still only got puny little limbs! Everything I read when I was worried about movement said don't be at all concerned until 20 weeks.
I'm fairly certain I felt something occasionally at 11 weeks, but definitely regularly from 13 weeks. I felt my daughter (my first) from 13 weeks as well, though not as clearly as this one. I'm just someone who feels movements easily and early though, even with a retroverted uterus and an anterior placenta. But there are still quiet days, I think just due to position and what I'm doing that day. If I'm rushing around and really busy, I don't notice it as much. But everyone is different and not everyone feels movement early so I wouldn't necessarily worry. For me though, it doesn't often feel like kicks this early on. It's more like a vibrating feeling, sometimes with sweeping movements, which must be rolling around, but the vibrating gets stronger and stronger so it's obvious what it is.
Like the others, I could have written this myself! I started to feel movement around 12-13 weeks and now at 18 weeks its rare for me to feel anything. I keep waiting to feel a good kick and movement but nothing yet.
I started at 12 weeks! It definitely wasn't gas. Now at 20 weeks, I feel him, but maybe just have gotten used to it and don't notice as much lately? I played some music to his belly today and that really got him moving! I think as he's moved up higher in my abdomen, he seems more in the fatty layer of my belly and I can't feel him as strong for mild movements. Who knows.
Around 10 weeks with my second baby. I didn't feel my first baby until around 18 weeks.
My husband and family were able to feel movement from the outside at 18 weeks last time, despite an anterior placenta.

I have an anterior placenta again this time, and have felt very occasional flutters now at 14 weeks, but nothing substantial that I can be sure about!
First baby I felt once at around 13-15 weeks, then regularly at 17ish weeks.

This LO I thought I was feeling around 14 weeks... then didn't feel at all until 19 weeks.

First time I think I had an anterior placenta, this time it's posterior... Makes no sense lol. This baby doesn't seem to make big movements on ultrasound though, just little wiggles & my first is extremely hyperactive!
Thanks for the feedback girls. Funnily enough I had a couple of good taps at lunchtime today so that made me feel a bit better! I also read that your uterus is more stretched out second time around already by this point so the baby has more room to swim about so you might feel it early in the beginning and then less as it stretches before it gets bigger and fills your uterus.

Am keeping relaxed, nearly thought of buying a Doppler last night but then realised it wouldn't make me feel any better as if I can't find it I will panic!
I felt movement earlier with my first (15 weeks) cause the placenta was posteria, whereas this time it's anterior. But I still did feel some movement since 16 weeks with this pregnancy, it's just been far less consistent (cause if he moves in certain positions then the placenta blocks me feeling anything). Only since about week 21 have I felt movement daily (usually only when going to bed in the evening), whereas I know I felt consistent daily movement with my first around 19 weeks.
With my first I didn't feel real kicks until around 22-23 weeks, thanks to a combination of being overweight and an anterior placenta. This time I'm 19 weeks and I still haven't felt real movement yet, just some little flutters every so often. I'm not especially worried yet though as I again have an anterior placenta. I've got my 20w scan next week so we'll see how she's doing then. So far every time my OB has had a look she's been doing somersaults in there, so I'm sure I'll feel something soon.
DS1, DS2 and DS3 I felt them all regularly by 14-15 weeks. This little one I am 20 weeks and don't even feel (very few and far between so I can't really count it) those kicks 99% of the time. But yet, my ultrasound today showed a VERY active baby which is really strange because I can't feel him. I KNOW he's moving - I could see it clear as day. It's and odd feeling and I don't know how to explain it. I don't have an anterior placenta either which would usually explain delayed movement. But I suddenly understand WHY some woman can get right though to labour and not even know they are pregnant!
I felt regular flutters from 13 weeks and kicks from 18 or 19 weeks, which is later than I did with my first. :)
I would say buying a Doppler at this point isn't worth it - I'm sure that you would be able to find baby, but once you have kicks you're advised not to use a Doppler as they can give false reassurance (if kicks are reduced, baby might be poorly and needing you to go to the hospital and you'd still be able to find a heartbeat). Although they don't tell you to start worrying for reduced movements until something like 26 weeks? (Citation needed! It's around then though).

Funny to hear all these ladies who also felt second babies later than first! I thought it was just me at first. But yeah like I said I did read that although you might feel movements earlier, you won't feel them as strongly due to stretched uterus. Which was true for me.
Funny to hear all these ladies who also felt second babies later than first! I thought it was just me at first. But yeah like I said I did read that although you might feel movements earlier, you won't feel them as strongly due to stretched uterus. Which was true for me.

My OB actually confirmed this for me at my last appointment, once you've had at least one baby, everything is more stretchy so they have more room to move and it can take a bit longer before you feel much. It can also mean they have more room to flip over as they get close to being due and end up breech, but then again it can make it easier for them to flip back as well.
My first daughter I felt at 16 weeks but this one(also a girl....we think) I didn't feel till 18 weeks and nothing really definite until 20. Now her kicks are strong enough to wake me up, 22 weeks. I contribute not feeling this one as early as Tea because I am rushing around and busy all day with her so I didn't exactly sit on my butt trying to feel movements like I did with my first. Lol.
I only felt her for the first time around week 17 or even 18. Now I'm at 23 and she keeps kicking me aaaaall the time :)

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