I think I would rather be a woman any day with a child to bring up alone, than a man who walked out on a pregnant girlfriend and a baby. They can be the most cold hearted of men but they will get reminders all their life and carry around that secret forever unless they redeem themselves. I know my ex has a conscience and is miserable in his life. So there is me, getting happier and happier everyday with my little boy and as you ladies know, the love you have for your child.is amazing and the bond is amazing. Sweetie, one day you will see how much of a luckier person you are than him. These FOB's make one of, if not the most stupidest and cruelest decision of their life and in the end it will be them who suffer. Our suffering is short lived in the beginning as we learn to get over them. They must walk around everyday seeing kids with Dads, knowing that somewhere, some other man is probably now bringing up his child and that child loves that man, not him.........yuk, I know I would rather be a woman than a man anyday. You will be fine, stay strong, hes a loser.