Puberty and basic egg meets sperm was when I was 8.
It's more the "penis entering vagina" part that I'm wondering about. What age was that? Did that go hand-in-hand with the sperm meeting the egg?
My DD knows about periods, she knows about pregnancy, she knows about puberty, and she knows about childbirth and menopause.
Although she knows a woman has eggs, and that unused eggs get flushed away during periods, and she knows that sometimes eggs become babies, she thinks that God just decides whether or not an egg is to become a baby or not. She thinks it's a case of 'if God decides this particular egg will be a baby, then he sends a soul to it and it starts growing'.
I mean, she knows that children are a bit like their mum and a bit like their dad, but she's not been told how the dad passes his DNA to the mother! I.E. it's the physical act of sex that she hasn't been told about by me or DH and I was wondering when to cover that with her.
I told her what a tampon was a couple of weeks ago and she was horrified! (She had only previously known about sanitary towels). She was like "OMG I'm NEVER PUTTING ANYTHING UP THERE" and seemed really disgusted, so I'm thinking she's gonna freak out if she finds out that penises go up there!