After a anxious pregnancy Esme Lola arrived 10.11.12 at 0.39 weighing 8lb 3 oz, 54cms long.\ shes lovely and I had a quick 4 hour labour . ot too the home at 10.30pm was 6 cms dilated and then 2 hours later she was here. They kept trying to break my waters but hadnt realised they ahd gone so my poor little girl came out with a few cuts on her head. Shes fine though and i cant stop looking at her. She completes our family and joins siblings jordan-lewis & Chloe-louise (and has her own little angel our late son Nathan-lee). feel over the moon but also a lil sad no more babies for us but cant complain I know we are very lucky to have had 4 beautiful children even though we only have three on earth our angel is never far from my mind xx