Wow thanks girls. I had no idea about those celebrities who have it.
I just heard the news today and pretty much figured that was it for me. I'm very lucky that I have such a supportive partner, I don't know where I would be without him. And it makes all the different being able to come on here and talk to people who are going through the same thing. So
to all of you. I love you all loads.
Does anyone have any tips for things I can start doing to increase my chances of getting pregnant. I appreciate that it will probably take quite some time and I would much rather that than nothing at all.
Oh well you've asked now! Diet plays a huge part in PCOS so start looking into starting a low GI/GL diet (I believe Tescodiets are good? Although never tried them myself). You don't mention if your overweight or not, if so then a reduction in body weight, even just 5%, can make a huge difference - this is due to the more fat there is in your body the more your hormones run havoc. Pre-seed is good, lots of women get their BFP after using this (try ebay), its basically a lubricant that helps the spermies to swim
Don't use any other type of lube as this can damage/destroy the spermies. There are herbal things you can try to regulate your cycle - black cohosh and agnus castus are meant to be good - I haven't tried either so wait until someone arrives with more knowledge on this one. I also take EPO as this helps with cervical mucus during ov time (those spermies have got to have something to swim through!) - only take up until your ovulate though.
There are also things that your OH can do, the usual stop smoking, cutting down on alcohol, eating healthily, no hot baths, loose cotton underwear etc. There are supplements men can get to - I've just started a thread on this actually as I don't know to much about this myself!
Do you feel any better now? It is a shock when your diagnosed, I was only about 21, I didn't want kids at the time so it didn't ever bother me but now that we are trying (I'm almost 27 now) it's become a bit more of an issue for me too.