

Mummy of one
Nov 4, 2008
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Hi guys

I don't know if it's just me or not but do you catch yourself in Mothercare when you're with a friend or someone, mentally choosing things for when you and your OH have a baby?

I actually caught myself on a really bad day (I have awful PMS and suffered from a bit of depression) looking at what pram and cot etc to get, and we aren't planning on TTC until 2010! That seems so far away and I'm torturing myself by doing this but I can't help it!

Please tell me its not only me doing this otherwise I've just completely embarrased myself on here!!!

Nope, not just you!

I always get over-excited when people I know get pregnant too, 'cause you have an excuse to go shopping for baby things! :rofl:

Dont worry, your not alone!
Im just the same!

Not long to wait now :)
hah yehhh i do the same too! We have a baby chest though that we decided to just put a few things to get prepared.
My reasoning is, best to be a little prepared with the few things we have now, than have to buy tons of stuff when we eventually DO get pregnant. haha.
I do it all the time as well. I am always looking at baby stuff online or when I go into the store I always find myself in the baby isle.
phew!! Thank god its not just me :D money is the only thing really stopping us when I think about it (which is all the time!!) because we can't afford to get married yet, and cant afford to buy our own house. I'm hoping im related to some really rich dude who i dont know but he'll leave all his money to me and then I can get married and start a family. Don't know why I keep looking in the shops, but know i won't stop until I have given birth!! Actually it will probably get worse after then!!

although my OH has just gone into the spare room to play on his playstation so maybe its best to wait a while until he matures a bit!!!! he's like a 20 year old with a 10 year olds brain!!! oh well

My brother and his partner have just had a baby so i've had a good excuse to go baby shopping but even when i'm out and about if I see a nice pram or pushchair I find myself doing a double-take and thinking to myself that's the one I want, wonder where they got it from? :blush:
I bought an outfit before we were ttc for Alexa- It was a baby boys outfit though LOL We still have it in the dresser too!
I brought a few outfits when i was pregnant.
Sounds silly now, but i threw them all away when i was grieving.
Would start buying again, but im scared the OH would run away. haha.
I do look in catalogues ect but avoid going in the shops because I only get upset because I am not actually pregnant.
yeah same here. I like looking at things but know i shouldnt because I get down in the dumps :(
I think it might be part of that whole "nesting" thing, well, thats my excuse :D

HELL YEAH! I even started setting up the spare room!!! there's nothing wrong with buying a little here or a little there!

Thank you! Thank you for making this thread. It was the final decision maker for me deciding to join this forum. :)

For soooo long I thought I might come off as a bit nutty for even thinking about shopping before we're even trying. :blush:

I had a sit down with the bloke talking about it and he said to just go ahead and buy stuff if I see it on sale. No reason not to save month now rather than pay full price later. :) I now have a tub with some little baby things in it.

As the bloke said to me, it's putting positive vibes 'out there' that it's going to happen.
hehehe its okay :)

but i am actually insane :blush:

I would be buying lots of things if I had enough money but am saving everything for our wedding, which is good cos its taking my mind off the baby thing.

sooner we get married, the sooner we get to TTC.

Another question,

Why is it that people look down on women being housewifes/stay at home mums? A lot of people seem to think it is the "easy option".

I can't wait to be a stay at home mum, my mother was until I was 8 or 9 and my little sis was 6. She worked at asda on a sunday doing the tannoy thingy, it was soo cool going in to get a chocolate bar and hearing my mummy on the tannoy :D

I bought a few little bits when we were TTC this time last year.Then we changed our minds cos it was getting close to wedding n didnt want to be a pregnant bride so i put them in the loft and we havent tried since so there all still up there for if we ever do decide to have another.
I constantly look at prams,cots,outfits etc (catalogues,shops and on-line).......
i would stop but seeing the prices curbs my wanting for a baby just yet, so it helps me :)
oooh this is a great thread! :)

Baby stuff does cost alot :crib: so i guess its good to buy it when its on offer. I've always wondered if I would be a little odd to do this but if you girls are then I will tooo woooo! although I guess the issue is you can only buy unisex stuff right? and there's a real lack of unisex baby stuff out there (i'm fortunate enough to have a pregnant friend which gives me a license to look at baby stuff....or so I tell my OH anyway :) )

apart from the usual supermarkets, where have you girls picked up some great buys?
i dont really look at things in shops but i went into a new toy store that opened near us to get some xmas pressies for faith n my neices and i got one of thier catalogues and have circled all the baby stuff i want :rofl:. ive also got a big bag of faiths clothes that shes grown out of (i call them her special clothes:rofl:) like outfits my mum bought her and outfit she came home from hospital in etc and im keeping them for next baby. i thought oh would be put off by me circling things in catalogues but i think hes more excited than i am, he told me he wants at least 5 kids! sounds good to me :happydance: i think it makes sense to get a few bits whilst wtt so that you know theyre there when u do get pg and its less to buy then so i dnt think anyone should feel bad for looking at stuff or buying stuff!
Another gulity one here.

A couple of my friends have had babies recently - good excuse for me to go to Mothercare. I have picked a moses basket, how I am going to decorate the nursery and the last time I was in I tried out a few pushchairs.

I must have looked really daft - I am just glad no-one asked if they could help :rofl:

:hug: to you all - soon it will be our turn

hehehe its okay :)

but i am actually insane :blush:

I would be buying lots of things if I had enough money but am saving everything for our wedding, which is good cos its taking my mind off the baby thing.

sooner we get married, the sooner we get to TTC.

Another question,

Why is it that people look down on women being housewifes/stay at home mums? A lot of people seem to think it is the "easy option".

I can't wait to be a stay at home mum, my mother was until I was 8 or 9 and my little sis was 6. She worked at asda on a sunday doing the tannoy thingy, it was soo cool going in to get a chocolate bar and hearing my mummy on the tannoy :D


I'm a little crazy, too. :happydance:

Is there still a lot of stigma against stay at home mums? I didn't think there was so much anymore.

I know as a work at home woman, I do get a bit sensitive at people implying I have the easy life. I guess I expected people to just understand that being a stay at home mum is one of the toughest jobs when the bub came along.

oooh this is a great thread! :)

Baby stuff does cost alot :crib: so i guess its good to buy it when its on offer. I've always wondered if I would be a little odd to do this but if you girls are then I will tooo woooo! although I guess the issue is you can only buy unisex stuff right? and there's a real lack of unisex baby stuff out there (i'm fortunate enough to have a pregnant friend which gives me a license to look at baby stuff....or so I tell my OH anyway :) )

apart from the usual supermarkets, where have you girls picked up some great buys?

It is a bit spendy, so I limit myself to stuff that's on sale. You never know when you'll find particular sales again, so I figure why not?

As for unisex stuff, I've always been firmly set on green - boy or girl. Yellow makes me (and will likely make baby) look absolutely ill. Just one of those weird things. So yeah, greens are the way to go for me. :)

The wonderful thing about Australia that I have discovered is that they have tons of 'baby clubs' and HUGE baby stuff markets where you can save a lot of money for stuff. I haven't been to one yet, but I just saw a special on baby stuff markets on the news. :)

i think it makes sense to get a few bits whilst wtt so that you know theyre there when u do get pg and its less to buy then so i dnt think anyone should feel bad for looking at stuff or buying stuff!

See, that's the thing. It's logical to get stuff when the money is right/the sale is on/whatever. It's completely logical. And yet there is this... thing... that keeps a lot of people from doing it.

Maybe people are afraid to 'curse' it?

I think it should mean the opposite; you're putting positive vibes 'out there' that you will be having a child someday. No ifs, you're going to, so you're preparing. :)

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