Short cervix mommas


Nov 4, 2014
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Just wanting to connect with any other Momma's in the short cervix club! Lol

Here's my story
Hey ladies! just wanted to get some info! I am currently 20w1 day. Exactly one week ago I had my anatomy u/s, where they discovered my cervix was measuring 2.1 cm. no funneling that they mentioned. I was just told to take if easy over the weekend. I met with mfm doc Monday and he didn't seem too concerned? Nonchalantly told me this puts me at increased risk for ptl. Booked another scan for April 1. The thing that concerns me is that, I have read so many other ladies being put on br or having cerclage for lengths even slightly higher than mine! This is my second baby and first preg was a breeze. No issues whatsoever besides that he came at 37 wks. So now just trying to take it day by day. Still working (nurse in an endoscopy suite, so on my feet for 8 hrs a day). I would love to hear if any of you have any advice for me. Totally wasn't expecting this pregnancy to be so complicated.
I would stay off your feet as much as you can to take the pressure off your cervix. I don't have much advice other than that but I am surprised they didn't seem concerned. I may look to have another opinion.
Was your cervix measured with your first? It could be that you've just always had a short cervix and it won't be a problem for you. Mine was 2.2 at 30 weeks and I ended up delivering at 34+6 with my first. They put me on progesterone already with this pregnancy, to hopefully prevent PTL from happening again.
They didn't say whether my cervix was shorter last time. Just had another ultrasound today to check. The tech couldn't give me any results but told me that she'd flag it to be reviewed stat so I can get results tomorrow. So just waiting and wondering!
Just wanted to update! Cervix is down to 1.9 cm. was going to be admitted over weekend, but promised to be a good girl and stay in bed rest over weekend. Got first round of steroids last night and second tonight. Having another ultrasound Monday morning. If no improvement I'll be goin for cerclage on tues. Boo. Feeling disappointed but, gotta do whatcha gotta do
Stay off those feet Mama! I hope your ultrasound on Monday shows improvement.
Just incase anyone reads these. Another update. Had u/s today. Cervix is at 1.89, so not much change. Docs let me go home, no more talk of cerclage and back to work, no bed rest. Feeling super frustrated, just being monitored every week to two weeks. Feel like they should be more proactive. I was told if it gets too short they will air lift me to a bigger hospital, with a better nicu. I'm not even 22 weeks. Just not understanding the logic in this situation. Grrrr
I was diagnosed at 23 weeks with a short cervix, it was measuring 1.5cm. I stayed off my feet as much as I could (sitting down at work and when at home lying down). Went back for another scan a week later and it had improved to 1.7. My dr was happy with that and said to just be smart with what I was doing. I went back for another scan 2 weeks later where they discovered that I have a dynamic cervix, it was fluctuating between .4 and .9cm. I was admitted and given steroid shots. I've been in hospital since then (2.5 weeks). My ob was away so was admitted under A different dr. I was admitted on complete bed rest except for toilet and showers. When my ob returned he gave me permission to walk around. He said that there is no actual evidence that bed rest helps. So I will stay until 30 weeks and then go home. I'm not comfortable being on my feet too much despite what my dr says (he's very experienced and a senior dr). So when I go home I will continue bed rest.

I know it's a really scary time, I was so anxious when first diagnosed. I would take it easy as much as possible.
They may not have been able to prove that bed rest is helpful but I personally feel that taking the weight off the cervix would be beneficial. I would still keep those feet up as long as you could.
Thanks ladies for your input! I am just so worried about losing this baby. I feel like I should be written off work, but no one seems to listen. I work as a nurse, so it's not like I can just "take it easy" at work. I'm on my feet 8 hrs a day. Will be 23 weeks on thurs. So ever week I breathe a little easier as I get closer to viability. But it's a scary time for sure, so sorry any of u have to go thru it! I have another scan at the end of April. So hoping it stays put at 1.8.
At my 20 week appointment, mine measured 8mm. I was admitted that evening to the hospital for an emergency cerclage put in the next day. I was on strict bed rest for a week, then modified. It measured 2 cm the following week, 2 cm 2 weeks after that, then 2.2 cm 2 weeks after that. I haven't had it measured since. I am now 34 weeks pregnant and I'm having twins. I took it very easy with a lot of resting up until 28 weeks, then started doing more around the house. I rest when I feel like I need to. Even though my work involves mostly sitting at a desk, I haven't been back to work since the surgery. When my cervix was measured at 20 weeks, the doctor said ideally, she wanted to see at least 2.5 cm but would have been happy with 2 cm.

My advice to you is to take it easy, rest a lot and not to lift anything heavy.
I was just diagnosed with shortening cervix and funneling. At 20 weeks it was 3.4 and then now at 24 weeks it was 2.3 with funneling. Baby is head down. I have been having some contractions here and there everyday, back aches, cervical pain and a bit of my mucus plug came out. Doctor put me on progesterone suppositories twice a day. Will recheck in 2 weeks. If shorter will be on bedrest, ugghh!! It is my 5th baby. Never had an issue before but I had a D&C in december of 2013 and I read that can cause in competent cervix in future pregnancies.
I was measured at 5.6cm two days ago and another check yesterday came in at 4.2cm I'm due back on Wednesday for another scan to check! Does this seem like a drastic amount of shortening in a 24 hour period to you?!? They couldn't tell me much just can be sign of PTL and I'm 24 weeks and 1 day today. There's a few other complications I'm having that's scary but I've a post about it if any ladies have time to have a read! Would love some reassurance of ladies in or experienced similar issues to mine x
Well my Wednesday scan showed no change! Disappointed I haven't heard from many ladies here was rather praying for a little support or reassurance of anyone that's experienced similar changes and circumstances as my friends have never had this or heard of it and have no offers of support or any outcomes
Well my Wednesday scan showed no change! Disappointed I haven't heard from many ladies here was rather praying for a little support or reassurance of anyone that's experienced similar changes and circumstances as my friends have never had this or heard of it and have no offers of support or any outcomes

Good to hear that things remain constant for you for now! I'm not sure if that's a drastic change to be concerned about. All I know is if it is over 3cm, that's a good thing. I hope it stays around the same length for you for now!

Mines currently at 0.8cm at 29+5 weeks with twins, so I'm laid up on my back in hospital!
There's a thread on IC that IC ladies post on regularly that probably would have responded in a quick amount of time. I had this issue and posted there, very helpful and supportive.

Anyways In a 1 week span I dropped from above 3.6 to 2.3 from 23weeks to 24 weeks then 2.1 from 24 to 25 weeks. I held steady there for a few weeks until 28 weeks but no update as after 28 weeks it's not necessary to track it anymore. I ve been on modified bed rest, desk work at job, rest at home. Basically on moded bed rest until they make their appearance. I have other complications of but it's going ok so far.
Mommastork, I really think 4+ is a fabulous measurement for your gestation, and if it has remained there for a couple of weeks, that's great news!
Mine was at 3'ish at 20/21 weeks, then dropped to 2.5, then back up to 3ish (spent quite a few weeks before the last measurement more or less on bedrest, to get out of the crucial weeks!). They haven't checked since.
Hi ladies. :wave: I post in the other IC thread but thought I'd pop in here too.

I had a loss at 13 weeks last October, which they never determined the cause but said possibly a cervical problem. I've been monitored every 3 weeks to make sure my cervix stays nice and long. Up until today, it was 4+ cm. Today it was about 3.6 ,which wasn't alarming, but when the doctor pushed down to simulate pressure from the baby, it started funneling and was less than 1 cm! :( She didn't do a cerclage , she said she likes to do those earlier (I'm 20 weeks) , but put a round silicone thing in that is supposed to hold the cervix up. It was a pain getting it in, now it is just a bit uncomfortable. Anyway, just thankful we caught it and have something that can help. Oh I'm also going to start progesterone suppositories nightly.

Not what I expected to happen at a routine checkup. Just hoping and praying baby stays in as long as she needs to!
Just wanted to share my story
Last year around my 24 week of pg with my son I was diagnosed a short cervix ( from 3.8 to 2.4 cm) I was checked every two weeks and my cervix did change a bit from appointment to app , but stayed between 2.4 and 1.8 , I didn't bed rest and I travelled a bit for work , my boy was born a day late his due date in 2014 .

I am now pregnant again and same exact story , well I'm only 25 weeks and cervix at 2.2 cm from 3.4 .. I got streesed at the beginning specially now cause I have a 1 year old to care for but I am hoping things will be like my first son
Hope this gives hope to someone on the same boat
In my last pregnancy, I had cervical shortening to a 2.2 at 30 weeks and delivered at 34+6. I'm 26+6 with #2 right now and was measured today at 4.8! I've been on progesterone supplements since the beginning this time and they seem to be working. :)

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