I get why the OP rubbed some people wrong (
you eternally, daneuse), but she meant well, so I'll cut her some slack.
That said, human parthenogenesis doesn't exist for a reason. It takes two to make a baby and it's in the best interest of children to be raised by two parents, and that's not just me talking. The courts have ruled on this using that rationale again and again. It's the reason the current child support system exists and can be so damn persistent--slow, but persistent--in going after deadbeat parents. The governments cannot force a man (or woman) to be a parent, to invest their time and emotions and energy into their children, but they generally
can force them to invest their finances. So they do.
Now of course, there's an exception to every rule, and in this case, there are a lot of exceptions. I'm one of them. Those who have read my story know that I am exiting a bad marriage where dad has essentially been a deadbeat no-support from within the marriage. I would honestly rather take my chances as a single parent than continue to drag around his dead weight. So I hate it when people pity me as a single parent. These people don't understand that my life situation was already hard within marriage, and that in becoming a single parent, I am making it better.
Those considerations aside, let me honestly ask: who of us here would not leap at the opportunity to be in a partnership with a man (or woman) who loved us, cherished us, and was a true father/mother figure to our children? If all things were equal, and we met such a person, would we not want him/her in our lives? I know I would. I look at my kids every day and long for the day when there will be a strong step-father figure in this home who will help me raise my children. I know I'm strong and I know I can do this on my own, but I
want someone else to be doing this with me, someone who treats me and my children the way we deserve to be treated.
I always told my husband that he was in my life because I wanted him there, not because I needed him there. I'm leaving him because I don't want him anymore. I feel the same way about a prospective second parent: I want one, but I don't need one. Maybe that day will come for me and maybe it won't. Only time will tell.