Shropshire and bordering county buddies!

Hi sorry i haven't replied in a while!
Scan went really well, it took over half an hour though, it appears we have a naughty little boy! We didn't get a great photo as he kept putting his hand over his face! They found the sex fine but then when it came to measuring the spine he just sat on his bum and wouldn't budge! It took alot of (me) rolling on my side, front, back...over and over to try and get him to move which he eventually did! We have a healthy baby boy!
We're still a bit shocked as we were both so convinced we were having a girl but i have started on the blue shopping! I am desperate to clear out the spare room and crack on with the nursery!
How are you both then? xx
Oh Sarah- the name!! AArggghh, Harrison was the only by name we have chosen, its what we were going to call lottie if she was a boy and what we chose for this baby but now we're not sure!
I have read 2 baby name books from cover to cover and we still can't decide, i think we will probably stick with Harry but we're not completely decided! xx
well i think harry is lovely! im great 2day - having a fab time getting stuck into major home improvements. we have nearly finished demolishing the wall, i wish i could do more to help lee, ive tried to help but im scared of hurting little bubba! we also picked up a dishwasher 2day from shawbury that i bought on ebay - HOORAY! no more moaning about washing up for me! so im emptying the cupboard to make a space for that. gonna have a nice quiet night reading my book upstairs away from the dust 2nite!

glad your scan went well jo, my bubba was very active too.. it kept turning round - think he/she is camera shy!

what are you guys up to? xx
I got my dishwasher when we moved, it's brill! :) not done much this weekend I'm full of cold so feeling sorry for myself!
I want to do some decorating In our house, it doesn't really need it but I love changing things! Baby is very active now I thought I was carrying a quite baby but since the scan he never seems to sleep! Xx
Hi girlies
I am all upset cos my cat is poorly so for once I have not been thinking baby baby baby! It started last weekend and all of a sudden he lost his balance and started walking like he is drunk. He cant stand up without swaying and he struggles getting up and down the stairs.
I am tired today cos the cat woke me up in the night, he fell off the bed then fell down about 6 times in a row - It prob sounds quite funny but it is heartbreaking to watch. He's been to the vets and has already cost us £300 and they still dont know whats wrong with him but we can not afford to spend any more. I think we may need to have him put down and I am so upset! My husband is very upset too so we are just flat all the time at the mo. He has one final trip to the vets tonight and we will have to make a decision from there.
My bump is still crap - I am 18 weeks today so nearly half way through but I just look a bit weightier than usual its really weird. I went to the pub on sat avo and everyone kept saying "are you sure you are pregnant" its really getting me down.
Listen to me being mrs negative!
Hey I know this is a real personal matter so sorry for the information but me and hubby did it for the first time since being preggers on sat - it was so weird! We were on docs orders not to for the first 3 months due to the miscarriage and I have been feeling too ill or tired ever since. It was like our first night together all over again hee hee! Might as well make the most of it in this middle section!
Aww sorry about your cat! :hugs:
My bump is huge!! I'm sure you will wake up one day and your bump will have appeared!
DH and i haven't done it all that much due to my fears from previous mc and being so tired and achey!! We are finding it increasingly difficult recently with my bump, its gets in the way somewhat :rofl:
Anyway Lottie is starting pre-school tomorrow and i'm so nervous, she's such a confident little girl she will be fine but i'll probably start crying! :cry:
Hi guys, sorry ive not been on for a few days, been a very busy bee!

Really sorry about your cat Julie - I am a big cat lover and I know you get really attached to them - its like losing a friend.

How was lottie's first day at pre-school jo?? i think id be crying too! its a big milestone!

I've put on a few more pounds (now at total of 11 pounds!) so i hope its bump and not just fat! Dont worry julie your bump will come - I had a lot of people saying 'you've got no bump' last weekend at the wedding which I found a bit annoying because it was just that the dress hid it - I wore a T-shirt the next day and I got the opposite comments - people saying 'wow look at your bump', 'its getting big' etc... and I know it was no different to the day b4!! I think most of the people at the wedding were too sozzled to see properly anyway! You may find it suddenly comes very quickly - I had two big spurts but otherwise no change day to day.

hope you are both enjoying your thurs night. xx
Yes its been sad about the cat, he was put to sleep on wed avo so have had a really crappy week and am glad its nearly the weekend.
But I have been feeling baby movements lots. It started about 2 weeks ago very mildly, but last night it was so obvious, as if it was flicking my insides! I was giggling in bed and couldnt sleep from the excitement, and it has started up again this morning. They are like tiny little thuds, at first I had my suspicions but my pregnant friend said no its way too early (that was at 16 weeks) but now at 18w4d I dont care what anyone says, I know for sure thats what it is. I wonder if they will keep getting harder and harder until they feel like proper kicks. Ooooh its so exciting!
What are your plans for weekend? We have a birthday party tomorrow night for my niece and dinner at the in laws on sunday. No rest for the wicked!
wow that is exciting that you can feel the baby moving! i feel it loads - im surprised how often! i always imagined it would just be the occasional kick but I feel it on and off throughout the day! it makes me giggle too. sometimes im chatting to someone like my boss at work and i struggle to keep a straight face because its kicking away!!! sometimes it feels like it is kicking my stomach! that is really weird!! i dont know if ive felt hiccups yet or not, I guess they will be regular thuds so ill watch out for them!

i finish at 4 on a friday so im home already, loving the sunshine and looking 4ward to spending the weekend with my 2 fave boys and my bump! i also have my friend visting from cornwall. turns out the guy who owns the seal sanctuary she works at also owns alton towers and he has given us free entry tickets!! i know i cant go on much but my stepson alex doesnt like rollercoasters (ever since we accidentally took him on one, long story, say no more) so lee can go on the big rides with the grown-ups and i can stick to the kiddie attractions with Al! should be a good day out especially if it stays sunny.. i think the forecast is good.

then we have no other plans except more paining and decorating - we have chosen 'blood' red, biscuit and magnolia for the lounge with a bright poppy wallpaper print on one wall.. so we have already started on that.. we have a school coat to take back to cheshire oaks to swop for a bigger size so may call in to mothercare and toys r us to look at cots and buggies too... might call in and see my sis too because she lives that way.. there is indeed no rest for the wicked! love being busy tho! xxx
Hi girls!
Sarah my lounge is red on one wall and cream on the others with a huge poppy the height of the wall by the fire- great choice ha! X
lottie loved every minute of pre school and didn't want to leave at home time! It's really nice having those few hours to myself, I'll enjoy it until baby comes!
I am taking a year out from uni so I'm going to a couple of days working in a bar with my brother, only lunch times but it'll be nice to have some extra money more Xmas, start next week!
I haven't been to Alton towers in ages, I promised alex we'll go next year so we can both go on all the rides!
We have my friend's daughter's bday on Sunday which will be nice!
I have been busy sorting baby's room this week, it's all clear ready to be decorated the other spare room is now over flowing with junk!
Oh and baby harry is sooo active, alex felt him move last night and he gets hiccups most nights, I'm starting to wonder when he actually sleeps!! Xx
ha ha ! that's a bit spooky!! we bought quite a few testers but its was lee's choice in the end and i love it so far, we are halfway through painting and we have a friend coming round to do the wallpaper next week.

thats great that lottie loved pre-school , you can relax and enjoy a bit of time off too. my stepson had his first week back at school and he really enjoyed it too - they learn so much at school not just off the teachers but off their friends too - like social skills and stuff..

that will be fun working behind the bar - ive done a lot of bar work over the years and always enjoyed it. might as well be pulling the pints and getting paid for it while you cant drink them anyway! what are you studying at uni?

well im going to watch out for the hiccups because I havent felt them yet but my bubs is very active too, especially when there is loud music and when im eating! xx
hey girls, how are you? hope you are well :)

have you started your bar work yet Jo? hows it going?

hows the bump coming aong julie? mine seems to be getting smaller!! and ive lost a bit of weight. i know im supposed to be gaining weight at about a pound a week on average! ive got a check-up 2day, really looking forward to it because its the first one in about 8 weeks (not including the 20 week scan). they couldnt fit me in with a midwife because they were full this week!!! so they said I have to see a doctor instead. i'll ask about the weight thing but im not too worried because bubba is kicking lots x
I'm great, having a week off work to chill and buy baby stuff which is lovely, hubby has put curtains and blinds up in the nursery and it is soooooo cute - I might actually put a photo of it on here just cos I am so proud of it!
I have got my 20 week scan on Sat and booked a 4d gender scan at babybond on 19th Nov - yay!!!!
The bump!!! Don't bloody ask. One min its there then its gone! For the first time on Sat loads of people could see my bump through a baggy maternity top. I admired myself in the mirror the other night before having a bath thinking how lovely and pregnant I look. And yesterday...gone again! It's soooooo annoying I dont get it. I am actually starting to worry now because I am 20 and a half weeks and I just dont know where (s)he is hiding! My sister was shocked when she saw me toinight, it's peoples reactions that make me realise that there really isnt anything there. As long as baby is ok on sat then thats all that matters. I have heard that some people just dont show til about 26 weeks. Perhaps I'll be small all the way through who knows.
I'll let you knowhow sat gies.
Whats your news?
ha tell me about it - i have lost weight and my bump looks smaller, i think it must be water retention coming and going! the check-up yesterday was an anti-climax - i was in there for 5 MINUTES! blood pressure and a quick feel of the bump and that was it! I told her I had lost a few pounds but she wasnt concerned so thats cool. I was hoping for a bit more baby or birth chat or something but as long as bubs is ok im happy!

how exciting that you have your 20 week scan coming up thats great!

lovely to have a week off too. i havent bought any baby stuff for the last 4-6 weeks. im too side-tracked with our living room alterations downstairs and we are skint but it's pay day 2moro so i can hopefully get a few things at some point this month. x

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