This is for people who have children with the same middle name or know anybody who has? I saw a thread about this a while ago and there was a few negitive critasism so I don't want to see that this time hence it's aimed at people who have children with the same middle name or know people that have done this.
My 2yr old son has two middle names (both sides of grandads names) they are very significant and meaningful to us and we are expecting another boy in November and I'm very keen on giving him the same two middle names that ds1 has and subsequently if we had more sons in the future! I've heard people say it's not giving them there own indenty because they share the same middle name which I think is silly as in this day and age people don't get called by there full name it's only really on there birth certificate, driving licence, passport when they grow up....
I know of one person who has three daughters all have the same middle name after her mother (there grandmother)
Just curious to know how many others have done this x
My 2yr old son has two middle names (both sides of grandads names) they are very significant and meaningful to us and we are expecting another boy in November and I'm very keen on giving him the same two middle names that ds1 has and subsequently if we had more sons in the future! I've heard people say it's not giving them there own indenty because they share the same middle name which I think is silly as in this day and age people don't get called by there full name it's only really on there birth certificate, driving licence, passport when they grow up....
I know of one person who has three daughters all have the same middle name after her mother (there grandmother)
Just curious to know how many others have done this x