Sick, and intolerances anyone?


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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20 feking (excuse the language but I dunno how much more I can take) months on and Alex is throwing up still!

We have always been told it's reflux, which has been managed by all different meds and at one point we thought we cracked it.


I'm right back at the stage where i can't risk going out with her in fear of her throwing up. But now it seems a lil difference.

Shes coughs. And it's like a 'pathetic' lil cough (ykwim?) and within less than a minute she has wretched every lil bit of stomach contents out on the floor, sometimes with a lot of phlegm.

At her age, She still drinks a fair bit of milk, has 3 meals and snacks between.which is fine, says the dietician.....

Is it possible that it could be a sort of milk intolerance or something? We are desperate now and if I have to barge into the docs/ sick kids hospital tomorrow or neonatal outpatients I will. it's a daily occurrence and the lil girl is basically emptying anything in her stomach.

Are there tests I could ask for?

Seriously girls I don't know how much I can take anymore. I just find myself crying when she does it, I feel destroyed.
Hi. Not seen any of your other posts so not sure how much help I can be. But if you are worried about a food intolerance, ask the doctor to test for all the common ones - dairy, gluten etc. Don't worry about feeling like you're annoying them - it's their job! And this is your child, and only you know what is normal for them ... If the doctor won't help you (which they should!) you could try the hospital, or ask the HV to refer you to a dietician maybe? I dunno what else to suggest.
Just wondered though ... When she's sick is it after anything in particular? Just thinking if you can work out what she's just eatne when she's sick it might help trying to work out if it's a food intolerance and if so which one?
I have to say, I read something the other day about a condion where this child was sick everytime she got excited ... Was a bit extreme but you never know?! Good luck hun, and remember - keep pestering those doctors. That's what they're there for!
Alex is a 24/7 excitable child so I think i Can rule that one out. :rofl:

So I just ask the doc outright, yeah? Xx
Yeah. I have some food intolerances, and when I was little the people I was living with (I was brought up in care) went into the doctor, and told them how it was - that I was being constantly sick and had diarehea and tummy ache etc. They demanded the doctors to test for food intolerances. The first doctor refused, so they asked for a second opion, and that doctor (thankfully!) did the tests. Keep on and on at them until they listen. They also have to remember that a small child needs to eat regularly otherwise their blood sugar level drops and so it's best if they can sort it out soon (that's quite a good argument to take with you!) ... Maybe keep a food diary of everything she eats, and note down everytime she's sick, and how much she's sick. Then when you go to the doctor you can take it with you. I hope they sort it for you soon!
Hey SB

Not sure I can be much help either but if I was you I would just straight out ask the doctor and if you dont get any joy there try the dietician and if you still dont get anything there I would keep bugging people until you start getting some help/answers!

From a quick scan it would appear that vomiting can be a sign of lactose intolerance/milk allergy and also that reflux and lactose intolerance/milk allergy can be linked so it would definitely be worth looking into.

If it comes to it and you need to go down that route, Jessica is lactose intolerant/milk allergy (not proven which yet) and we get neocate on prescription but I did notice in Boots the other day that you can now get SMA lactose free and Cow & Gate and SMA also do an infasoy and a different milk allergy one - cant remember what it was called or which way round they were.

Hope this helps and sorry I cant be any more of a help - I know what a nightmare it can be.

G xx
See, if i was a doc(and my docs read a book and diagnose so i can do thaaaaaat) i would say milk interance OR someone in the Toddler section mentioned adenoids..... And everything she said goes along with what Alex does.....
Hey SB

Not sure I can be much help either but if I was you I would just straight out ask the doctor and if you dont get any joy there try the dietician and if you still dont get anything there I would keep bugging people until you start getting some help/answers!

From a quick scan it would appear that vomiting can be a sign of lactose intolerance/milk allergy and also that reflux and lactose intolerance/milk allergy can be linked so it would definitely be worth looking into.

If it comes to it and you need to go down that route, Jessica is lactose intolerant/milk allergy (not proven which yet) and we get neocate on prescription but I did notice in Boots the other day that you can now get SMA lactose free and Cow & Gate and SMA also do an infasoy and a different milk allergy one - cant remember what it was called or which way round they were.

Hope this helps and sorry I cant be any more of a help - I know what a nightmare it can be.

G xx

I'd very careful about putting her on these though ... These are only supposed to be given under medical supervision - eg, it's a proven allergy and the doctor has approved (not allo babies get on with the prescribed milk) ... Best to see the GP first
Seeing as we're talking about intolerances ... I hope you don't mind me putting this here rather than starting a new thread? But I wanted to ask if this sounds like some kind of intolerance or not:

(Posted this in the Formula Feeding section too)

My princess was born at 35 weeks, and to begin with struggled feeding. She was given Cow and Gate in the hospital until my milk came in and then was having nothing but expressed milk (she didn't latch on being so tiny). At the time she was on about 20mls which. Anyway, the C&G didn't agree with her at all. She had the EBM exclusively for a couple of weeks but then my milk supply started running low, so I topped her up with Apatamil. She seemed to do well on this for a bit - no sickness or anything. Everyone kept telling me to change it because she had runny nappies (but I recently found out that babies who have breast milk do have runny nappies because it's easier to digest and there's no waste!) All of a sudden the Aptamil didn't agree with her. She was very sick most of the time, and started getting horrible diarreahe (sp?). She had a couple of days of screaming fits, but the GP said there was nothing wrong with her and she was "having one of those days" ... To which I hastily burst into tears and told the GP that he was luckiy he didn't have to listen to his premature baby screaming all the time. The HV advised me to change the milk. At the time of changing I couldn't afford SMA and she's already had C&G and Aptamil, so I put her on HIPP Organic. This was still top-up with EBM. She got on well with this milk, again for a short while. Now she's on SMA - the SW told us to change it AGAIN. Again, this agreed with her for a day or twi, but just recently she's been having projectile vomiting (I'm not joking - she was in the middle of a room and it hit the wall and went all up the ceiling). She also has horrid wind, and her wind and poo REALLY smell very strong. She's been taken to the GP several times but I'm wondering if she might have intolerances to something? Not sure what though?? I have food intolerances - to wheat/gluten - but assume this isn't in any formula milk?? She stopped having EBM when she was about 6 weeks old as my milk completly ran out :cry:
Pink neon I know Sma does create odd nappies but all these changes will too. As for the projectile vomiting that just screams reflux. I take it it's just coming out like a fountaining with full force?
Does she seem uncomfy or struggle to drink a whole bottle without any hassles?

Docs can be a bit crap when it comes to reflux, the first thing you can ask to try is infant gaviscon, that thickens the milk and helps to keep it down.

Second is SMA Staydown - now it does the same thing as gaviscon but what I would advise is go out now, to Tesco or boots, and pick up a can (purple top)

If this improves things (might improve everything) then go off to the doc and say you've found Staydown works, and the woman at the chemist told you you can get it on prescription. ;)

But that sickness does sound refluxy.
Thanks. She's with a f/c at the moment so I will ask her on Monday. I saw her today and she drank the whole bottle very quickly (like normal) but sicked the whole lot up. When's not with me she hardly takes any of her milk ... I had to change all her clothes, including her vest today cos she'd been so sick :( ... But she was also quite hot and sweaty ... Wondering if she might be poorly too :(
Sometimes with reflux they down bottles too, because they have the need to suck to make them feel better. X

If you need any help ask away as you know Adi has soya and milk allergy x

some info for you

What are the symptoms of milk allergy?

An allergy is caused when an allergen (for a list of other common allergens click here) enters our body system. The symptoms of a milk protein allergy fall into 3 types of reactions:

* Skin Reactions:
* Itchy red rash
* Hives
* Eczema
* Swelling of lips, mouth, tongue, face or throat
* Allergic "Shiners" (black eyes)
* Stomach and Intestinal Reactions:
* Abdominal pain and bloating
* Diarrhoea (usually very runny)
* Vomiting
* Gas/wind
* Cramps
* Nose, Throat and Lung Reactions:
* Runny Nose
* Sneezing
* Watery and/or Itchy eyes
* Coughing
* Wheezing
* Shortness of Breath
Hiya :wave:

Came across this site, and it makes for interesting reading, also has a list of things to look for that may indicate GER/GERD...not sure if it is of any help.

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