Sick of MIL



So my MIL rang tonight and as usually happens when hubby speaks to her, I ended up in tears. Let's just give this some context:

we recently moved to be near my family after living 200 miles from them for seven years. Given that we are having a baby a normal person might think this a reasonable thing to do - for a woman to want her family nearby at such a time. We had been planning this move for about a year. We waited until hubby had a job lined up and we had a house to move into. It was not impulsive or badly thought out in any way.

The house was my grandad's and my mum spent almost her whole inheritance renovating the house for us, she project managed the work herself and spent every day chasing builders et al to ensure the work was complete in time for us to move in. She is also letting us live here rent free until we manage to let our old house out. My parents are also paying for all the work we need to do to our old house and have made two trips down there to do decorating etc.

The week before we moved my dad lost his job. My parents now have no income and the chances of him finding new employment at his age and with the current financial recession are pretty dire indeed. Despite this, my parents paid our removal company and bought us several items of furniture and curtains. They have also bought us lots of things for the baby. Nothing big, but all the little things add up.

In contrast, my MIL tried to convince hubby not to move. She obviously thought it was a huge mistake and took it rather personally that we would be half an hour's car journey further away from her than we already were. (4.5 hours, rather than 4) She tried to get him to change our plans repeatedly and when it became obvious that she would not succeed she gave up but offered no moral support. She has made no effort to support our decision, she has offered no financial contribution to the cost of the move or of doing the necessary work to our old house to get it let. She has offered no time to the cause and shown no interest in visiting us in our new home.

While she has been generally supportive of the pregnancy, she has made no offer to buy us anything for the baby and has repeatedly questioned our decisions on everything from what the baby will sleep in to car seats. It has become abundantly clear that she is not going to offer any help, so as far as I'm concerned that removes her right to comment on any of the decisions. It is our money after all.

Our car is badly in need of rather expensive work. I don't feel safe in it and have little faith in its ability to get us to the hospital on the big day. Before xmas she made a vague suggestion that she might help with the repair costs, having been nagging hubby to get it fixed for the last year. He has repeatedly told her that we do not have £1000 lying around to pay for the repairs.

Tonight she made it clear that she would not be helping and criticised us for not having saved up the money to get it done. We simply have not had the money to save up. If we had we would have done.

Oh and then she asked if we wanted to go on holiday to New York with her and SIL's family in September :dohh:

So tomorrow I have to ask my mum to pay for the car and car seat, and probably a crib too and it breaks my heart to have to do that when I know that my parents only have a few months rent money set aside, after which they will be homeless if our house isn't let in time.

My upset is not just about the money, it is the utter lack of any kind of support from MIL. Sorry for the long rant, but I am so upset and hubby is just this silent shell. I've been crying for two hours straight now and have no idea how we are going to cope :cry:
Awww hun isnt she the slightest bit worried about how incesitive she is ?? .

Your family sound so supportive and wonderfull , Iam sorry your dad lost his job .
And i whole heartedly aggree with you she shoudl deffinatley not hav eany imput on your choices with baby if she isnt bothered now why should she try be once baby arrives .

Good luck hun i hope she changes her ways . xxx .

she sounds like a real piece of work hun..... as you said - she has no right to any say in the decisions you make with regards to purchases if she hasn't made any ££££ contribution.

would it help any to remind her that without the car fixed and a seat for baby, she will not see her granchild?
I totally agree with you hun and she has no right to even make hints at what you should do when she is not willing to help!

Although i have no family to share our joy of kids with I wish I did and I wish family would understand and try to share more. Is this her first grandchild? You'd think she'd care a little more and offer to help :hug:
Aww hun, You MIL is a piece of work , so is mine for different reasons. She isn't happy with where we live, 4 hours from her but thats the Army's decision not ours but its still our fault!!! Im wanting to be nearer my family too since getting pregnant. When we saw her in Dec nothing we said or did about the baby, what we were going to get, names, everything was right. She always calls to ask DH to give her money as if we have loads, I don't work because of a disability and live off his wage, his brother does the same. My DH has now stopped helping them and is so peed off with what happened in Dec. I can't even talk to her at the moment and she acts like nothing has happened. THe way I see it, is its her problem and if she wants to see her grandchild then she needs to grow up and except this is our child not hers. I know its hard but try not to let it get to you, Im trying and it is hard but we don't need the added stress at the moment. Sorry you are going through this too, take care :hugs: XX
I understand where you are coming from and I think your doing the right thing. I would just carry on and ignore her, even though its hard as she is the MIL but you know whats best for you and family with what you are doing. If she starts any of that crap about money ask her if she is paying for it! we all know the answer there. You will still be upset over her as she is the MIL but try to stay cool.
aw, MILS! grrrr. I think I get on OK with mine now, but then she lives a long way away, and it hasnt always been easy. I think shes sad that she's not more involved but then my mum made a huge effort to make sure my OH felt a part of the family, even though we were just kids way back then, so we've always been closer to my side of the family, who have always supported the relationship.

My mum hasn't got two beans to rub together, but is always telling us not to worry about this or that, my sister has given us her baby stuff. His side of the family havent helped with anything, but at least we don't have to owe them anything. We did hint we needed help with the car but they wern't playing. I thought they might because its thier first grandchild and hey have helped thier othe rchildren financially. Screw it, we will have to get finance, I guess.

Hope things pick up for you soon!
Aaaaah Shifter hun, you just dont worry about the car and god knows what else. Once you have your beautiful baby it will not matter and you can tell the MIL where to go when it comes to advice and do this do that witrh the baby...... I am so sorry you are in this position but you can get through it hun. If i could help you I would :hugs:
Just remember there ARE people there for you like your parents and us of course!! You will remember this when things come great for you xxxxxxxxxx
MILS! who needs them! lol.
im having problems with mine too, but not quite on this scale and probably the opposite problem too to some degree. It is difficult because you want to talk to husband and get him to set her straight with a few things, yet when its crunch time, it is difficult because they are in the middle, and its his mom so he does not feel he can ask. I always ask my mom if we need things, but I prefer my mom helping me out with small things (she doesnt have much money) than asking hubbies better off parents to help us, as I will probably never hear the end of it... they bought me a car when they found out I was pregnant as my old car was only a 3 door, and now its always bought up '' well after we bought the car for you we cant afford this or that'' making me feel shit
Grr.....sorry off on my own tangent there
Oh dear, is your mil quite old fashioned ?

My dad would happily lend/give money to help me when I need it but my mum is of the opinion that I should pay for everything myself (and I completley agree with this but I am a bit stuck financially at the moment due to credit crunch) its a difficult one since I have been pregnant I haven't asked my parents for anything as I know the first thing my mum would ask is why am I having a baby if I can't afford things !

My ohs mother would lend us money if she had it but she is in the same boat as us, maybe your mil doesn't have any money to give you ?
Thanks all.

Tigger - I don't want to sound like I'm threatening her! But thanks for the suggestion and it would be perfectly true!

Logie - no, SIL has 2 little boys who live next door but one to MIL. She's a very hands on nan with them and buys them things all the time.

Bean - that's exactly like our situation. My parents have always been very supportive of us and their parenting style is much along the lines of allowing me (and us) to make our own decisions and mistakes and supporting us no matter what. They love Andy very much and have always made an effort with him. Whole different story with MIL. When we announced our engagement she said hubby should break up with me, not marry me :dohh:

Melbo - that's crap. Who needs a guilt trip like that?!

mama2b - yeah, she thinks we should be totally self-sufficient and you know what, we would love to be. We both made crappy mistakes with jobs and credit and bills so we dug ourselves a rotten hole which we are trying to get out of. Which is hard without help. MIL is an excellent saver, never has credit she can't afford, is employed nice and safely by the government (NHS - she's a MW!), hasn't had a mortgage since 1983 (owns house outright) and has three holidays a year. Good for her.

Well, she rang hubby again this afternoon and offered to pay for the car repairs and said she would take us out shopping for baby things when we visit in 2 weeks for her birthday. I suspect she realised we were upset about the way things were left last night. It still doesn't really look like she will buy the car seat, but my mum got that for us today on the basis that we share it between our car and hers and split the cost. Fine by us!

Thanks so much for all the supportive messages :hugs:
Sounds like situation has got a bit better hun, bet she has really pissed you off though :hugs: xxxx
ypur MIL sounds exactly like mine "When we announced our engagement she said hubby should break up with me, not marry me"..... very familiar scenario!

Glad she seems to be coming round anyway hun :hugs:
Awww Holly:hugs:. I know how much she must have upset you. I would have been EXACTLY the same. Good news that she has finally offered to help out a bit.
She probably realised she wouldn't get to see her Grandchild if you had no car to get to her. I guess i am lucky with my inlaws. we live about an hour and 15 mins away from them. We used to live 5 mins away. when we moved they didn't want us to leave them(so to speak) but they understood we wanted our children to grow up in the countryside so they supported us.
You know you can always text me, don't worry bout what time it is, if I don't answer it's cos I'm:sleep:!!!
Shifter you can always contact me too! :hugs:
Thanks girlies :hugs:

Hubby just spoke to her again and she has now realised she has an infant carrier for SIL's youngest that isn't getting used so she has offered it to us! I also encouraged him to tell her about the hypnobirthing and she was really enthusiastic! What a turn around from last night!!
Maybe the OH had a word with her?????
I think he would have told me if he had. I asked what prompted her to ring him at lunch time and he said he thought she had realised she'd upset us as she emphasised that she is only trying to help (re: the "advice" on car seats).
well, yay to her seeing sense! I remember my MIL coming to stay (before we were married, buy we were living together and had been together for 9 or so years by that point) for his graduation, and I wasn't allowed to go to the ceremony, and I went to the after party but she was actually was quite rude to me everytime he wasnt there to witness it, and I ended up walking too and from the university instead of getting a lift with the 'proper' family, and when I got back, I thought they had gone to drop of some stuff at the dump like they said, so I had this massive hysterical fit at my OH because it realy WASNT on, especially in my own house...

and it turned out she was having a nap upstairs.
And, I think she heard it all. Because the situation improved after that.

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