I've posted this before, so excuse the 'double post'. The 'back to sleep' campaign actually originally recommended back and side sleeping, but once more people were putting babies to sleep in those positions instead of mostly tummy, they were able to identify a similar relationship b/t side sleeping and sids as they did between tummy sleeping and sids. So you're taking on an increased risk by side sleeping. That doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't do it, but it does mean you're better off eliminating as many other risk factors as possible. I've always viewed things like props and wedges to pose the same risk as other loose crib items and would personally make the choice to avoid them, but obviously in real life, every item has a different risk and a wedge is not actually equal to a stuffy. In real detail, it's a very small proportion of SIDS deaths that have only a single risk factor present. Most have several. You really just have to be prepared to take on the risk and realize that many families, knowingly or unknowingly, also take on some various forms of increased risk. Hope that gives you stuff to think on.