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Sidney's journey 'Earthside' - An April Fools Day home birth.

Mervs Mum

Doula & Mum of 3!
Dec 29, 2007
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Well here I am sitting down to start my birth story, with a glass of champagne just 19 hours after giving birth in this very room…..surreal…..

I guess I started to niggle properly Tuesday morning. I’d already lost most of my plug the previous week and over the weekend so I felt like we were leading to something. Tuesday morning I called the Birth Centre and asked for a MW to come and have a look at me. I was getting regular mild contractions 5 mins apart which then switched to 3 mins and got ‘nippy’.
I rang Keith and told him to come home. He said he could tell in my voice something had changed.

The MW arrived at the same time as my dad arrived to pick Emily up, then Keith bounded through the door…..it was at this point that the contractions stopped!

She stayed for a while and examined me. I was still 1-2cm as you’d expect from a multip so she gave me a good sweep and said to ring if anything changed. She seemed positive something might happen and ran through various things with us. She rang back before she went home but nothing was happening. We went for a walk with the dogs and kept active. That night I was woken ever hour with a contraction – just a mild one but they woke me.
Weds morning Keith got up with Hebe and I tried to go back to sleep for a while. I woke up at just after 8am and ‘pop’…..the unmistakable sensation of my waters going. I tried to get Keith’s attention but he’d shut all the doors so I could sleep so I ended up phoning him from my mobile to tell him to come to the bedroom and help me!

I must admit having read stories of mum’s of more than one having their waters go and a baby arriving an hour later, I did panic slightly. I rang the Birth Centre and they said someone was on their way, then rang my parents to come and get Hebe. Keith checked the waters were clear and helped me out of bed and we stripped and re made the bed then added some plastic sheets then another old sheet on top so we could get into clean bedding after the event.

I started getting mild contractions or surges as I’ll call them now in the spirit of ‘Hypnobirthing’. The midwife arrived in minutes and turned out she lived literally around the corner. She stayed a while took my BP etc and a sample of amniotic fluid and went through what to do and when. Again I kept active by cleaning the house, finishing all my ironing, putting it away then sent Keith to get me a vanilla milkshake from McDonalds! I sat gently rocking on the ball and we watched ‘Meet The Parents’. Nothing was happening to speak of and the midwife rang back at tea time to see how I was. She then started to tell me that had I not had the baby by 8am I would be booked for induction because my waters would have been gone 24hrs….this wasn’t what I wanted to hear. At this point I started to bounce in the ball in the hope of starting something – I did not want to get to 8am! By 6pm I was getting some good surges and pressure in my bum. Keith started to prepare the birth pool but I didn’t get in. The MW came to check me again and my cervix had changed but not significantly. I decided rather than get in the pool I’d start getting in the zone with my hypnobirthing techniques. So I got my iPod on and Keith did some relaxation with me and I really tuned out. They were 3 mins apart, 1 min long and I was basically asleep between them and the only indication I was in a surge was a change to my breathing pattern.

Around 8pm I decided I wanted to move to the pool and carry on there. They were intense but I was managing with the relaxation music and hypno techniques. Keith spoke to the MW who said she would drop off the G&A on her way home (her shift was done) and get the next MW to meet her at ours.
When she arrived she offered to stay until the next MW arrived but I said we were ok. As it happened the next MW arrived before we’d finished chatting so she did a bit of a hand over and Keith made Marie (the lead MW) a sandwich and a cup of tea to have while she went over the birth plan and my notes.
She left us to it which was lovely and I was coping well but I think the thought that the G&A was in the next room was in the back of my mind…..My breathing wasn’t as focused as it had been and I felt the G&A would help me get it back together again. Thank goodness she gave it me when she did because the next surge was the biggest and longest by far up to that point. We all looked at each other in slight disbelief as it finished and the MW and I both said something like that was a good one and laughed! Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t laughing during it but I still felt like this was good news…we were definitely progressing. The MW decided to watch the next two surges then decide if it was time to get a second MW there……she watched and rang the Birth Centre to say send someone.

I don’t know how long it took for Rachel to arrive but I was still in the pool and although I was finding it tougher to concentrate Keith and I talked and he reminded me that this was all a good sign that Sidney was coming to us and it wouldn’t be much longer.

There was some talk of me delivering in the pool so Keith filled it right up with hot water which was bliss. I went on all fours and hung over the side again this was really good. I joked with the MWs between surges about the G&A running out and other random stuff.

I was getting tired and needed to change positions and have a wee so we went to the loo then I got on my bed for a while. The MWs were fine with this but I think it was a mistake with hind sight although they agreed I could use a rest.

I had no internals and every time they monitored Sid his heart rate was perfect – it didn’t dip or change once.
While I was on the bed I managed to tune out between surges and got some much needed rest. The MWs left us to it but kept checking we were ok intermittently.

At some point we decided I’d have my first internal and established I was 7cm and that my hind waters were intact still. We had the option of breaking them and the baby would likely come very quickly but the MWs decided not to in case there was meconium. If there had been I would have had to be transferred so they decided to leave well alone and get me off the bed.
The reason I say the bed was a mistake is because I think this may have been when Sid moved back to back. It was odd because you could see him trying to turn with each surge. There were 2 options for him turning – the long way or the short way….I got up off the bed (after some cajoling from Keith and the MWs and he almost instantly took the short route.
We made our way from my room to the dining room (our house is upside down so its like a flat on the main level so no steps to tackle!) stopping once for a surge which I decided to try without the G&A and just stood on tip toes for some reason! I knew it wouldn’t be long now because the G&A wasn’t really doing anything which was what happened with Hebe so I just held it in my hand like I had with her for the last part.

I got on the birth stool and pretty much straight away the waters popped – I remember it was a really loud pop. At this point the MWs started getting everything ready for delivery…..he was coming……

Marie told me to just go with my body – if you want to push fine if not, don’t. At this point I didn’t feel the need to push so I tried to breathe down with the surges. All the time, at the back of my mind I was a bit concerned about getting piles again so when the urge did hit my bum I started pushing but kept holding back. Eventually I really felt him in my bum. Marie said don’t be scared just go for it. I knew this was it so I just went for it. One almighty push and I could feel his head being born…..all the time my eyes closed and Keith sat on the piano stool behind me. Another big push and his body slithered out. Marie caught him and put him straight on me and covered him with a towel. He was breathing fine but didn’t cry for a few minutes. We decided to have a physiological third stage but to play it by ear if the placenta took its time. So the cord pulsed for exactly 10 mins then I had a very gentle surge and easily pushed the placenta out. Blood loss was normal so no need for the injection.

After Marie checked my bits and bobs which were just grazed, I got back in the pool and washed in there. It was still lovely and warm and they asked if I wanted to take Sid in and feed him but instead we decided he would have some skin to skin with Daddy. Keith sat with him on his bare chest draped with dry clean towels and Rachel helped me out of the pool once I was done.
While the MWs did their paperwork, I fed Sid and Keith got the kettle on for tea toasted current tea cakes. We sat chatting and laughing for a while then they weighed him, checked him over and I got him dressed. Once they had tidied everything away and checked we were happy, the MWs thanked us and left.

We talked some more and I said how happy I was that we were all together and no one had to ‘go home’….I cant tell you how good it is that we’ve not been parted as a family since I went into labour.

We got into bed and laid there talking a buzzing about everything – our little boy in between us…..bliss.

The birth wasn’t a pure hypno birth by a long shot but the techniques were incredibly helpful. The main aim was to be at home and do what felt right for us at that time. That definitely happened.

So…Sidney Richard David…..born in his own home on April Fools Day 2010 at 12.46am weighing 8lb 4.5oz and well……….perfect.


Update with my thoughts 2 weeks after the event - Pg 10 post 91 - my thoughts 2 weeks on
I love your story Lisa! It sounds like a perfect end to everything you have went through in the last couple weeks. It is so sweet that Keith got to enjoy it and get baby time too. I love how unselfish you are in those aspects, its very admirable. Good job! If I ever were brave enough to do a homebirth you'd be the gal to talk to!!!

He is gorgeous! Congrats again!!!!
What a lovely story :D Sid is a very handsome little man. Well done with the hypno-homebirth :kiss: :flower: I hope you all enjoy these first special days with Sid :hugs:

What a lovely story... Its sounds like a perfect birth... My favourite part is that when you have your baby.... your in the comfort of your own home and having something to eat together.

When your in the hospital if you have to stay in, your partner as to leave, and you have that alone feeling.

I would love a home birth but I just don't think I'm strong enough. I'm a worrier!

Again big Congrats x
It sounds calm but there were a few frantic moments. I wasnt for moving off that bed! In fact Keith reminded me that when him and the MWs were trying to persuade me off the bed and how it would help him turn, I looked at him and said (in reference to him trying to explain what was going on when I was having Hebe) 'dont you effin start with all that again!' :rofl: On the bed I definitely started to lose it a bit and when I was scared to push in case the world fell out of my bum, I did say I cant do this any more a good few times! :lol:
beautiful story and very beautiful baby boy.

huge congratulations and so very well done.

He's gorgeous! And you're birth sounds perfect, might even consider a home birth myself in the future! Well done! x
Congrats lisa, he is perfect. You did brilliantly :hugs:
:cloud9: huge huge congratulations lisa to you and your family once again! well done chick!!!! sid is gorgeous :D
Congrats on your amazing homebirth! Welcome Sidney!

I must confess to welling up reading that. Sounds beautiful hun! :hugs: Well done!
This was a brilliant birth story Lisa!! Im so happy for you, I hope my homebirth is like yours..thanks for being such an inspiration to me and Sid is beautiful :cloud9: x x
Congrats hunni he is gorgeous :cloud9:

Well done on your homebirth xx
Lovely birth story, sounds so calm and relaxed! Congratulations! xx
Guess what I'm crying, infact sobbing :) lovely story!

I cant believe how much Sid looks like you, he's totally different to Heebs!

Cant wait for a cuddle <3 xxxx
massive congratulations hunny, he is gorgeous

Congrats! Sounds like a fab homebirth :) and makes me all the more impatient for my turn!! :lol:

Aww Lisa what a fantastic story.You did so well as did Keith lol.Sid is a handsome boy.May he bring you guys many years of happiness xx
congratulations on the birth of your baby boy - he is precious!

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