So are you going to have anymore children.....if only they knew!! ADVICE PLEASE <3


Dec 18, 2011
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Only joined the forum yesterday and suppose im doing this to help me accept whats going on at the moment - I love reading other peoples posts and finding im not alone in what Im going through!! Any thoughts our advice you may have please share this with me :flower: Im currently nearly 30 I had my first child when I was 25 and have been ttc #2 for the past two years I was trying for about 9 months for my DD, had a normal pregnancy and ended up having an emergency cs. Since coming off the pill about three and a half years ago initially I had a 28 day cycle however, over the past two years My cycle seems to be around 25 to 28 days and I tend to spot for a couple of days before and after my period and now and again a week before my period is due. I have used OPKs in the past and I dont always get a positive result but when I have its usually around 9 days before my period is due which could also indicate that I have a short LP. I approached my doctor about a year ago and he said that he didnt want to give me any fertility drugs as far as he is concerned I do ovulate (blood results came back ok) and I need to relax about it abit more and it will happen?! I feel terrible about getting upset each month because ive been blessed with a healthy beautiful DD but cant help feeling that the family isnt complete - which to people without children may sound ungrateful, Im not but cant help the desire I have to have another child.......If anyone has gone through the same thing as me or has any advice Id be grateful for any information you can give me!! Thanks xx:dust:
Hi Birkin! I have been in a similar situation to you. Our first child took 10 months to conceive and our second took 18 months. I have always spotted and my doctor diagnosed low progesterone. He put me on progesterone supplements (very common treatment where I live, but not in many countries - where are you based?) and I took them for 3 months. No pregnancy. Then I came off them plus stopped taking all vits etc, and got pregnant :wacko: My doctor says that my body would still have been benefitting from the supplements though. This time around we have been TTC 23 months :( I am currently in my 3rd month of taking progesterone again and while there has been no BFP, last month I got an LP of 14 days!!! A year and a half ago my lp was 9. It has varied a lot and I can influence it by my diet and supplements. Vitamin B and B complex had a good effect.

Well, what can I say except you are not alone! If people ask if we are having more I usually just we would like to but who knows what fate will bring. How old are you btw? I am 38 so I guess people will stop asking me soon :(
Hi Magicvw

Thanks for responding to my threat its nice to know Im not alone!!! Im based in wales - uk, where are you based? Ive done lots of reading on the vitamin side of things and even started taking them about 8 months ago but stopped a couple of months later..... from what I can remember it did stop the spotting throughout the month but didnt do much else - the more I read up on it the more I became confused people were saying to only take them up to a certain point during the cycle etc and I didnt know whether I was doing more harm than good so havent taken anything apart from folic acid since!!

I dont think my progesterone levels are right so Im going to take a trip back to the doctors after xmas and this time Im going to be more adamant and not be fobbed off......Im nearly 30 so I know that time is on my side but my DD is nearly 5 and the growing age gap wasnt the plan but when it comes to having babies I guess you can throw all plans out of the window ha ha!!

Sending you lots of :dust: hope you get that :bfp: soon!!!
Hi both, wow it's a relief I'm not on my own with this spotting thing. I conceived my first child 10 years ago ( I was 20 at the time). My OH and I have been ttc for the last 10 months, managed one brief pregnancy but it ended very quickly. I have been suffering woth spotting for the last 7, yes 7 years. The closest thing I had to a diagnosis was 2 years ago when a gynocologist said I had mild PCOS. I have seen quite a few docs this year, including an endocrinologist - who said my progesterone was fine on day 21 and they couldn't do anything for me. I am waiting for a referral to come through from from the acute gynolocolgy dept. I need to get something sorted. Thank you fo rposting your thread - it has given me such a boost to know I am not the only one going through this rubbish.
Big hugs - and fingers crossed!
Thanks Looplou 81 its lovely knowing your not alone and speaking to someone who actually knows what your going through!! Good Luck with your referral Im booking my appointment with the Doctor tomorrow gotta get the ball rolling!! Big hugs and good luck wishes being sent right back to you!! xx
Hi Loopyloue - its so frustrating when they just say they can't do anything :nope: I hope you get some answers!! :hugs

Good luck to both of you. I am testing on Xmas day this time round by the way! :D
Nothing to report - cycle 24 has begun! :dohh:

Good luck to everyone and may 2012 bring us many BFPs!!! :dust:
Hi I am in a similar situation I do already have a child from a previous
marriage which ended badly. I have since re-married and my oh doesn't have children of his own. We have been TTC for 18 months but we found out he has low sperm count so we are being referred to a fertilty clinic but obviously will have to pay privately. (not sure we will be able to fund it)

I always thought already having one child if it didn't happen again it wouldn't be that bad but how wrong I was! You go through just many emotions when your longing for another and you are right the desire is as strong and like you our family just doesnt feel complete.

I have had four friends all in december anounce their pregnant and for some of them it is their third or fourth and it hurts so much when I am smiling congratulating them but inside I feel crushed.

Hope you get some answers don't give up!! :hugs: x x
lorraine 35 doesnt it seem as though everyone around you is pregnant too!! Not that I want to take anything away from them its just fraustrating when youve had one and you dont think youll have any problems having another!!.....Do you have to go private because its not your first? I havent even looked into that yet.....Ive been to the doctors just after xmas discussed all my symptoms and he has agreed to refer me to the hospital so just focusing on getting my appointment with the hospital and Ill deal with what ever is thrown at me then......hopefully everythings ok and I just need some hormone tablets but convinced somethings not right in there as I often feel a ache on my right hand side which often turns into a stabbing pain during certain times of the month!! What will be will be I suppose but not giving up yet :) Keep me posted on your developments - fingers crossed for you!! xx
Hello there!
My hubby and I have been trying for our second child for 14mths now. We have a 4 year old son who is gorgeous. Didn't take very long to conceive - I had taken the pill for 3 yrs, stopped end of Sept, period in October, next period in Feb 2007 and took an opk 14 days later. That was positive and our son showed up 9 myths later.
I've always had irregular cycles so thought it might be tricky then. My cycles have settled somewhat35-40 days on average and I ovulate after day 24.
Can u conceive that late on in your cycle though?
I'm starting to chart my BBT as I'm due on this week. I'm also waiting on my CBFM to arrive-anyone used one of these?

Our GP has been v.supportive, we were refused help from nhs clinic as we have a child which is understandable. Our GP has written to the head of the clinic to ask if our surgery can prescribe me Clomid and they have offered to oversee it as my GO thinks my cycle just need regulating. My hubby is calling tomorrow to find out and if the answer is no we will see about going private. Hubby is very supportive about this although I am worried about the cost.
Wishing you all the best for 2012-this will be our year ladies!
Hi Ladies, Just to update you on my doctor sent a referral on 28th December Ive havent heard anything from the hospital so decided to call them today to ensure that my referral is being processed to be told that I am currently on a 6 months waiting list I can expect to hear from them in May to be seen in June - fraustrated is not the word!! Hows things going with you all?? x
I got pregnant with twins on accident with my first pregnancy and went on to get pregnant again accidently a year later. All of them girls. We decided to try for a boy a year later....It's been 5 years, a chemical pregnancy, and a miscarriage later. I finally am pregnant with strong beta numbers and progesterone levels.

The DR. put me on progesterone because I was very low but what I didn't know then was I was on too high of a dose at the beginning of the month and it was preventing ovulation. I went on to try chlomid and hcg trigger shots and nothing worked.

What finally worked for me was this: I took fertilaid and started bbt temping. I was on fertilaid 4 months and by watching my temps I could actually see when my hormones were getting back to normal. The last month I took Durhams Queens Delight royal jelly to help with egg quality. I really believe that these helped me to ot only get pregnant but to sustain the pregnancy. I hope this helps you I really understand how frustrating all this is.
It does seem everybody else is pregnant! What I hate is getting asked "So when are you guys going to try for number 2?" They have no bloody idea that it only took us almost 5 years to conceive him so we just know falling pregnant again is not going to be easy AT ALL!

Wishing all luck and lots of :dust: on your journeys :flower:
What finally worked for me was this: I took fertilaid and started bbt temping. I was on fertilaid 4 months and by watching my temps I could actually see when my hormones were getting back to normal. The last month I took Durhams Queens Delight royal jelly to help with egg quality. I really believe that these helped me to ot only get pregnant but to sustain the pregnancy. I hope this helps you I really understand how frustrating all this is.

I have a quick question. During pregnancy, is it okay to continue taking Durham's Queen Delight? Thanks!

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