The minute you stop believing, you will stop trying and you will never get your baby
im sorry but i really hate comments like this, of course we all hope we will have our babys but at times no matter how much we believe it wont happen, also many women get unwanted pregnancys who didnt believe they would get pg yet they did.its a bit like saying if we stop believing we wont win the lotto we will stop buying the ticket and therefore wont win. lol, i know the chances of winning the lotto are slim yet i still try. same with ttc, I also find the above comment quite intimidating and threating,, a bit like those chain texts you get as in forward this message on or something bad will happen.
We are all entitled to believe what we do. I have been trying for three years, if I just give up and stop believing that it will happen for me then I will never become pregnant - I can't get pregnant by myself.
For some people that is true, for others it isn't.
Thanks for making me believe that my faith is just a waste of time. Guess I should just resign myself to never having children then as if I don't have my faith that it will happen then what do I have?